Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe

Benchmarking National - PRO INNO Europe


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Background and resources<br />

IPR awareness among SMEs in the British system of innovation has been set as key<br />

priority for the UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS). As part<br />

of national policy, the UKIPO was instructed to develop an entry-level information<br />

scheme addressing the issue of IP management to SMEs. WITK has been prepared<br />

over a period of 12 months; inputs for the set up have been derived from various<br />

sources and activities, i.e. an exploration of user needs and involvement of stakeholders<br />

and external consultants. Moreover, a survey has been undertaken to assess<br />

the SMEs’ perception of the importance of IP, and its relevance to their business.<br />

The campaign has been managed by a specialised team of 4 staff [FTE], within the<br />

Awareness, Information & Media team in the UKIPO. The team is composed of<br />

people with extensive experience in discussions with SMEs about Intellectual<br />

Property rights and other critical issues for business growth. However, there are<br />

(strategic) partnerships and informal networks with other actors (national/regional<br />

authorities) which had the opportunity to present their business support services at<br />

these events. Between 2005/2006, the budget earmarked for WITK amounted to<br />

€ 375,000, whereas the costs of the operational management (overheads) covered<br />

a share of about € 70,000, around € 6,500 were spent for two publications. The<br />

rest has been allocated to customer surveys, press activities, radio days, enewsletters<br />

and supporting PR.<br />

Modes of operation<br />

Each event of the campaign offers advice on business support regionally available<br />

from regional development agencies and regional Business Links, an overview of<br />

the possibilities of the Intellectual Property System from the UK Intellectual Property<br />

Office, the experience of local entrepreneurs who used the IP system, and an<br />

explanation of patent and trade mark law from the Charted Institute of Patent<br />

Attorneys (CIPA) and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (ITMA). At the end,<br />

some events offer the possibility to win a free Intellectual Property Audit.<br />

With the aim to reach and attract a larger audience (of SMEs), the overall<br />

presentation on protecting and managing intellectual assets served as a platform<br />

for the regional development agencies and regional Business Links, which had the<br />

opportunity to present their business support services. Likewise, the Charted<br />

Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) and the Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys<br />

(ITMA) presented their services.<br />

As the scheme was designed mainly for SMEs, the organisers of WITK came up with<br />

the idea of showing realistic examples of how a company can benefit from securing<br />

their IPR. Therefore, the experiences of local entrepreneurs were presented using<br />

case studies, i.e. “How developing their IP strategy helped company ABC to increase<br />

the value of their company and ease the sale of one business area” or “…Helped<br />

protect their idea internationally allowing the product to be marketed internationally,<br />

especially in the large American market.” Between 2005 and 2006, around 20<br />

entrepreneurs were invited to illustrate their experience with managing their<br />

intellectual assets.<br />

In addition, the campaign offered its own dedicated website (now closed). While<br />

online, companies simply had to register and were able to receive free consultation<br />

with a patent or trademark specialist, a pack of free information regarding IPR<br />

issues, updated details of seminars and events in their areas, and news, views, and<br />

case studies about intellectual assets. Regarding marketing activities, the campaign<br />

has been promoted by using several tools and approaches.<br />

Evaluation and performance<br />

The WITK campaign has been the object of several quality assurance mechanisms.<br />

Particularly, regular monitoring exercises have been carried out at the end of each<br />

event by the core team of the scheme. At the end of each event SMEs were invited<br />

to fill in a feedback form. These forms were analysed later and used to improve the<br />

service. The answers suggested that the events were very well organised and

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