29.11.2012 Aufrufe

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende


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104. Interviewer: I think, I know what you mean. – so what do you think about your personal<br />

career development, is there anything we did not speak about and what you think was important for<br />

developing your career or would you say everything is covered?<br />

105. Interviewee: well, it is difficult. Yah. You know…. summarizing …errr ... summarizing – you<br />

know - errr, the career I made in thirty minutes. I think we did not cover the aspect of taking risks,<br />

so, sometimes, you… you have to take some risks, and you have to be aware of it, yah, for to get an<br />

improvement, for to get – you know – an advancement – for something. I think it0s for sure<br />

sometimes you need to take it, to take risks, to go on yah, I mean, this is something you do, yah, and<br />

errr, you know, it is best to stay a kind of hidden rep, but at the end you see - you know – the<br />

betterties. It is the innovation itself for a kind of procedures – you know – which is quite important.<br />

So I think you need to think about – you know – the innovation of something. So I would say at the<br />

end, taking risks, thinking and trying to innovate something to improve something, to bring new<br />

ideas. I think it was covered, yah,<br />

106. Interviewer: yäh, I would take it to creativity.<br />

107. Interviewee: yah, but I think innovation errr…. errr, you know, it is not creativity you know<br />

because innovation is one of our values here. If I were you I would change “creation” into “<br />

innovation” that it is more clear.<br />

108. Interviewer: Ok. Good.<br />

109. Interviewee: and this is an example you know for my innovation, proposing to change your<br />

form from creativity to innovation because it gets the point more clearly.<br />

110. Interviewer: yes, and what I will take into consideration as will is the “risk taking”. Thank you<br />

very much for this, it is very thoughtful of you.<br />

111. Interviewee: no problem, you are welcome. There are no other points I could recall.<br />

112. Interviewer: so we are at the end. Thank you very much for giving that information and<br />

sharing your experience and thoughts with me. I thank you so much for your interview and I wish<br />

you a good further development for your career.<br />

113. Interviewee: thank you.<br />

114. Interviewer: I thank you. Bye, bye, have a great week.<br />

115. Interviewee: bye, bye. You too. Bye.<br />

| Anhang 88

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