29.11.2012 Aufrufe

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende

Laufbahnentwicklung für extern angesiedelte Mitarbeitende


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101 , if you are too much assertive with<br />

customer ya, so he asks “can this thing<br />

be done”, yah, and you say “no, it<br />

cannot”,<br />

101 yah, but if you are flexible you can say<br />

“no, it cannot be done but why do you<br />

need to do this?”<br />

Do not communicate<br />

negatively<br />

Achtsamer<br />

Sprachgebrauch<br />

Kommunikation<br />

Communicate positively Kommunikation<br />

Positive<br />

Formulierungen<br />

101 yah, “why do you need to know this?” Understand the<br />

101 “ is there any other way we can do<br />

that?”<br />

101 or what we can do – you know – from<br />

a Symantec point of view – “to meet<br />

your requirements”,<br />

101 so this kind of mental flexibility, I think<br />

it is quite important. I do not know if<br />

you got the point I think yes.<br />

105 well, it is difficult. Yah. You know….<br />

summarizing …errr ... summarizing –<br />

you know - errr, the career I made in<br />

customer’s need<br />

Bedürfnisabklärung<br />

beim Kunden<br />

Kontaktfähigkeit<br />

Find a new solution Kreativität<br />

Neue Lösungen<br />

erarbeiten<br />

What can we do in<br />

order to meet<br />

requirements?<br />

Bedürfnisorientierte<br />

Problemlösung<br />

Flexibilität<br />

Having mental flexibility Flexibilität<br />

Geistige Flexibilität<br />

zeigen<br />

You have to take risks in<br />

order to get<br />

improvements<br />

Risikofreude<br />

| Anhang 93

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