Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou


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A different romantic tradition is embraced by the medieval versions of the Trojan<br />

legend. During the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a number of epic romances<br />

were composed with classical themes. The most influential of these was<br />

the Roman de Troie by Benoît de Ste. Maure, a 30,000-line romance written around<br />

1160. In scope it extends from the Argonautic expedition through the founding<br />

and destruction of Troy to the death of Odysseus. Benoît was using two Latin<br />

prose versions of the Trojan legend as his sources. The first, by Dictys Cretensis,<br />

describes the war and the returns from the Greek point of view. It is a forgery<br />

of uncertain date (second to fourth century A.D.), purporting to be a translation<br />

from the Greek version of a <strong>dia</strong>ry written on bark in Phoenician script by<br />

Dictys of Crete during the Trojan War. The second of Benoît's sources, the De<br />

Excidio Troiae of Dares Phrygius, is likewise a late Latin forgery (perhaps of the<br />

sixth century A.D.), purporting also to be a translation from the Greek, this time<br />

of the eyewitness <strong>dia</strong>ry of the war from the Trojan point of view kept by the<br />

Phrygian Dares. These works were thought to be better sources than Homer because<br />

they were apparently written by eyewitnesses. They also had realistic details<br />

about the war and its participants and romantic elements. They appealed<br />

to medieval tastes and they are, through Benoît, the ancestors of much writing<br />

on the Trojan legend. Joseph of Exeter, for example, wrote a Latin verse paraphrase<br />

of Dares, which Chaucer used as a source for his Troilus and Criseyde (ca.<br />

1380). The legend of Troilus and Cressida, indeed, which was first elaborated<br />

by Benoît, went through several stages of transformation. Benoît's narrative was<br />

paraphrased in Latin by an Italian, Guido délie Colonne (ca. 1275), and Guido<br />

was put into French by Raoul le Fèvre (1464). The French version was used by<br />

Chaucer and Caxton, who were the principal sources for Shakespeare's play<br />

Troilus and Cressida. Here are a few lines from Caxton's Recuyell of the Historye<br />

of Troye:<br />

Whan Troylus knewe certaynly that Breseyda [Cressida] shold be sente to her<br />

fader he made grete sorowe. For she was his soverain lady of love, and in semblable<br />

wyse Breseyda lovyd strongly Troylus. And she made also the grettest<br />

sorowe of the world for to levé her soverayn lord in love. There was never seen<br />

so much sorowe made betwene two lovers at their departyng. Who that lyste to<br />

here of aile theyr love, late [let] hym rede the booke of Troyllus that Chawcer<br />

made wherein he shall fynde the storye hooll [whole] whiche were to longe to<br />

wry te here. 3<br />

DANTE<br />

Dante (1265-1321), the last of the great medieval writers and the forerunner of<br />

the Italian Renaissance, took Vergil as his guide in the Inferno and named Homer<br />

and Ovid among the "great shades" of classical authors inhabiting the Inferno.

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