Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou


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INDEXES 1-5<br />

Erechtheus (Euripides), 551<br />

Ergotimos, 610-611<br />

Ernst, Max, 393<br />

Eroica (Beethoven), 709<br />

Erostosthenes, Pseudo-Eratosthenes, 670<br />

Errand into the Maze, (Graham), 741; (Menotti), 715<br />

Etymologiae (Isidore), 670<br />

Euhemerus, 6, 669-670<br />

Eumelos of Corinth, 584, 588, 612<br />

Eumenides (Aeschylus), 412<br />

Eumenides, Les (Milhaud), 711<br />

Euphronios, 445, 559<br />

Euphrosyne (Converse), 721<br />

Euridice, (Peri), 706<br />

Euripides, Aeolus, 617; Alcestis, 242; Andromache, 415;<br />

Bacchae (The Bacchic Women), 30, 274-289, 400; Electra,<br />

407, 412, 414, 427^34; Erechtheus, 551; Hecuba, 471;<br />

Heracles, 522, 529-530, 540, 566; Heraclidae, 541;<br />

Hippolytus, 210-224, 565, 566; Ion, 551, 554; Iphigenia<br />

among the Taurians, 30; Iphigenia in Aulis, 30, 409;<br />

Iphigenia in Tauris, 415; Medea, 551, 565, 580, 584-585,<br />

587, 589-600; Oedipus, 392; Orestes, 411; Phoenissae,<br />

Phoenician Women, 378, 392, 395, 397, 609; Rhesus, 30;<br />

Stheneboea, 615; Suppliant Women, 395, 565, 566; Trojan<br />

Women, 477<br />

Eurydice, (Anouilh), 692; (Doolittle), 691<br />

Evadne (Kabat), 723<br />

Evans, Sir Arthur, 39<br />

Fabius Pictor, 646<br />

Faerie Queen (Spenser), 575, 682<br />

Fagles, Robert, 30<br />

"Fahrt zum Hades" (Schubert), 710<br />

Fall of Icarus, The (Brueghel), 568<br />

Family Reunion, The (Eliot), 416, 691-692<br />

Farnese Hercules, The (Glycon), 542<br />

Fasti (Ovid), 28, 624, 627, 631, 633, 636-637, 652<br />

Fauré, Gabriel, 711<br />

Faust (Goethe), 470, 685<br />

Feast of the Gods (Bellini), 696<br />

Fénelon, François, 683<br />

Ferlita, Ernest, 734<br />

Ferroni, George, 752<br />

Festival of Pan, a Romance (Converse), 721<br />

Fête d'Hébé, Les (Rameau), 707<br />

Fibich, Zdenêk, 711<br />

Fine, Vivian, 728, 741<br />

Fleg, Edmond, 712<br />

Flies, The (Sartre), 416<br />

"Flight of Icarus" (Iron Maiden), 729<br />

Flindt, Flemming, 747<br />

Foley, Helene P., 18<br />

Fone, Byrne, 21<br />

Foss, Lukas, 722, 729<br />

"Fountain of Salmacis, The" (Genesis), 729<br />

Fragment 113 (Kabat), 723<br />

"Fragment aus dem Aeschylus" (Schubert), 710<br />

Francis, Connie, 730<br />

Franck, César, 710, 746<br />

François Vase, The (Ergotimos and Kleitias), 610-611<br />

Frazer, James G., 11, 638<br />

Freed, Isadora, 728<br />

Freedman, Bob, 730<br />

Freer, Eleanor Everest, 728<br />

"Freiwilliges Versinken" (Schubert), 710<br />

Freud, Sigmund, Freu<strong>dia</strong>n(s), 7-10, 392-395<br />

Fried, Michael, 722<br />

friezes (Parthenon), 159-161<br />

Frogs (Aristophanes), 351, 540<br />

Frogs, The (Sondheim), 733<br />

Fry, Christopher, 693<br />

Fugitive Kind, The (film), 753-754<br />

Fulgentius, 29, 670-672<br />

Funeral of Patroclus, The (Darius painter), 467<br />

Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A<br />

(Sondheim), 732-733; (film), 748<br />

Gabichvadze, Revaz, 747<br />

Galatée (Lully), 707<br />

Galilei, Vincenzo, 705<br />

Gallus, 670<br />

"Ganymed", (Schubert), 710; (Wolf), 710<br />

Ganymed (Goethe), 685<br />

Gamier, 683<br />

Garwood, Margaret, 728<br />

Gassman, Remil, 744<br />

Gate of Hell (film, Inagaki), 749<br />

Genesis (group), 729<br />

George Washington (Greenough), 701<br />

Giasone (Cavelli), 706<br />

Gide, André, 692, 726<br />

Gigantomachy (Delphi), 67<br />

Gilbert, W.S and Arthur Sullivan, 715<br />

Gilgamesh, Epic of, 102<br />

Gillis, Christopher, 746<br />

Giraldi, 677<br />

Giraudoux, Jean, 416, 692-693<br />

Giulio Cesare (Handel), 708<br />

Glanville-Hicks, Peggy, 727-728<br />

Glass, Philip, 723, 747<br />

Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 708, 736, 741, 748<br />

Glycon, 543<br />

Gnossienne (Denishawn), 739<br />

Goddess of Love (film), 755<br />

Godhead Fires, The (Burne-Jones), 175<br />

Gods of Greece, The (Schiller), 684<br />

God the Reveler (Hawkins), 744<br />

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 470, 685<br />

Golden Apple, The (Moross and Latouche), 716, 733<br />

Golden Ass (Metamorphoses), see Metamorphoses<br />

(Apuleius)<br />

Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 11, 638<br />

Golding, Arthur, 679<br />

Goltzius, Hendrik, 544<br />

Gomme, A. W., 18<br />

Gorgon (film), 754<br />

Gospel at Colonus, The (Telson and Breuer), 716, 734,<br />

748<br />

"Gôtter Greichenlands, Die" (Schubert), 710<br />

Gounod, Charles, 711<br />

Goya y Lucientes, Francisco, 62<br />

Gradus, Lawrence, 745<br />

Graham, Martha, 5, 715, 739-742<br />

Grande Olympe, 698<br />

Grant, Michael, 588<br />

Graves, Robert, 11, 727-728

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