Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou


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INDEXES 1-29<br />

Sphinx (sfinks), "Strangler," offspring of Echidna and<br />

Orthus, with a woman's face, a lion's body, and bird's<br />

wings; Oedipus answered her riddle, 154, 382, 383, 384<br />

St. Elmo's fire, the form in which Castor and Pollydeuces<br />

appear to sailors, 436<br />

Steropes (ster' o-pëz), "Lightning," one of the three Cyclopes,<br />

54<br />

Stheneboea (sthen-e-bê' a), daughter of Iobates and<br />

Proetus' wife who fell in love with Bellerophon, 614<br />

Sthenelus (sthen' e-lus), grandson of Zeus and father of<br />

Erystheus, 519, 520, 521<br />

Strophius (strô' fi-us), king of Phocis and father of Pylades;<br />

he took in the exiled Orestes, 412<br />

Stymphalus (stim-fâ' lus), Stymphalian (stim'-fâ' li-an)<br />

Birds, sixth Labor of Heracles, 525, 578<br />

Styx (stiks), river of "Hate" in the Underworld, 349<br />

Sychaeus (si-kë' us), husband of Dido killed by Dido's<br />

brother, Pygmalion, 650, 652<br />

Syleus (si' le-us), robber killed by Heracles, 531<br />

Symplegades (sim-pleg' a-dëz), Clashing Rocks at the<br />

western end of the Black Sea; a hazard for the Argonauts,<br />

578<br />

Syncretism, "growing together," harmonizing of different<br />

myths, cults, and deities, 364<br />

Syrinx (sir' inks), "Pan-pipe(s)," nymph who rejected<br />

Pan and was turned into marsh reeds, out of which he<br />

fashioned his pipe(s), 297<br />

Talus (ta' lus), bronze giant on Crete, killed by the Argonauts,<br />

549, 583<br />

Tammuz (tarn' muz), consort of Astarte and Atargatis, 365<br />

Tantalus (tan' ta-lus), punished in the Underworld by<br />

being tantalized by water and fruit just beyond his<br />

reach, 331, 332, 404-107, 406<br />

Tarpeia (tar-pë' a): Roman woman, traitor in the Sabine<br />

war, 656; Tarpeian Rock, 657<br />

Tarquinius (tar-kwin' i-us), Tarquin, Tarquins, Priscus<br />

(pris' kus), Sextus (seks' tus), Superbus (su-per' bus),<br />

last Roman king, 658-659<br />

Tartarus (tar' tar-us), gloomy region in the Underworld,<br />

which becomes a place of punishment, 52-53, 344,<br />

344-345<br />

Taurobolium (taw-ro-bo' li-um), baptism by bull's<br />

blood; tauroctony (taw-rok' to-në), sacrificial killing of<br />

a bull, 364<br />

Taygete (ta-ij ' e-të), daughter of Atlas, 525<br />

Telamon (tel' a-mon), father of the Greater Ajax and<br />

Teucer, 442<br />

Telchines (tel-kï' nëz), skilled metal-workers with an evil<br />

eye, 617<br />

Telegonus (te-leg' o-nus), son of Odysseus and Circe<br />

who unknowingly killed his father, 490, 502<br />

Telemachus (te-lem' a-kus), son of Odysseus and Penelope,<br />

493-494, 494, 495-496, 496<br />

Telephus (tel' e-fus), son of Heracles and Auge,<br />

wounded and healed by Achilles, 454, 533<br />

Tellus (tel' lus), Athenian whom Solon judged the happiest<br />

of mortals, 136<br />

Telphusa (tel-fû' sa), a spring, Telphusian (tel-fû' si-an),<br />

epithet of Apollo, 247-248, 250<br />

Tereus (ter' e-us), husband of Procne, father of Itys, seducer<br />

of Philomela, and turned into a hoopoe, 549,<br />

552-553<br />

Terpsichore (terp-sik' ô-rë), Muse of choral dancing or<br />

flute playing, 73, 125<br />

Teshub (tesh' ub), Hittite storm god, opponent of Kumarbi,<br />

103<br />

Tethys (te' this), a Titan, wife of Oceanus and mother of<br />

the Oceanids, 54, 56<br />

Teucer (tù' ser), son of Telamon and Hesione, 442<br />

Thalia (tha-lï' a or th" li-a), Muse of comedy, 73, 125<br />

Thamyras (tham' i-ras) or Thamyris, bard punished by<br />

the Muses for boasting he was better than them, and<br />

mentioned in Plato, 337<br />

Thanatos (than' a-tos), "Death," 445<br />

Thaumas (thaw' mas), son of Pontus and Ge, husband of<br />

the Oceanid, Electra, and father of Iris and the Harpies,<br />

153<br />

Thebes (thëbz), city on Boeotia, Theban(s), 277, 375-379,<br />

680<br />

Thebe (thë' bë), Zethus' wife, for whom Cadmeia was<br />

renamed Thebes, 54, 380<br />

Theia (thë' a or thï' a), a Titan, wife of Hyperion and<br />

mother of Helius, Selene, and Eos, 54, 56-57<br />

Themis (the' mis), consort of Zeus with oracular powers,<br />

54, 67, 76, 96<br />

Theoclymenus (the-o-klï' men us), a seer in the Odyssey,<br />

494<br />

Theoi megaloi (the' oy meg' a-loy). See Cabiri<br />

Thera (the' ra), Aegean island, center of Minoan civilization,<br />

also called Santorini, 41<br />

Thersites (ther-sï' tëz), Greek warrior at Troy, hostile to<br />

the kings and princes, 337, 471<br />

Theseus (the' se-us), Athenian king, son of Poseidon<br />

(Aegeus) and Aethra, father of Hippolytus, and slayer<br />

of the Minotaur, 40,210-212,217-223,391,399,526,529,<br />

549, 555-567, 556, 559, 611, 678<br />

Thespius (thes' pi-us), king of Thespiae (thés' pi-ë) in<br />

Boeotia, who had fifty daughters, with whom Heracles<br />

slept, 522<br />

Thessaly (thes' sa-lê), Thessalian(s), region in northern<br />

Greece, 602-607<br />

Thetis (the' tis), Nereid, wife of Peleus, and mother of<br />

Achilles, 119, 147, 450-451, 456, 461-462, 471, 605, 611<br />

Thisbe (thiz' bë), lover of Pyramus who killed herself,<br />

as he was dying, 619, 620<br />

Thoas (thô' as), son of Dionysus and king of Lemnos<br />

who was saved by his daughter Hypsipyle; he became<br />

a priest of Artemis and king among the Taurians,<br />

576-577; son of Jason and Hypsipyle, also called Nebrophonus,<br />

577<br />

Thrace (thràse), Thracian(s), region north of Greece,<br />

446-447<br />

Thyestes (thï-es' tëz), Aegisthus' father and brother of<br />

Atreus, whom he cursed, 406, 407, 408<br />

Thyrsus (thir' sus), pole, wreathed with ivy or vine<br />

leaves with a pine cone atop its sharpened tip, and used<br />

in Bacchic rituals for miracles and murder, 222<br />

Tiamat (ti' a-mat), a sea monster defeated by Marduk;<br />

spouse of Apsu, 99<br />

Tiber (tî' ber), Tiberinus (ti-be-rï' nus), god of the Tiber,<br />

637<br />

Tigillum sororium (ti-jil' um so-rô' rium), yoke associated<br />

with Horatius, involving a ritual passing under<br />

the yoke, 658<br />

Tiphys (tî' fis), helmsman of the Argonauts, 578

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