Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou

Classical Mythology, 7th Edition - obinfonet: dia logou


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Elysian Fields/Elysian/Elysium In Vergil's conception<br />

of the Underworld there is a place in the<br />

realm of Hades reserved for mortals who, through<br />

their surpassing deeds and virtuous life, have won a<br />

blessed afterlife. It is named the Elysian Fields or Elysium,<br />

and the the souls who inhabit this paradise live<br />

a purer, more carefree, and pleasant existence. The<br />

adjective Elysian has come to mean blissful.<br />

enthusiasm In cultic ritual, particularly Dionysiac,<br />

the initiate was often thought to become possessed<br />

by the god and transported to a state of ecstatic<br />

union with the divine. The Greeks decribed a<br />

person so exalted as being entheos, "filled with the<br />

god," which gave rise to the verb enthousiazein. Thus<br />

the English word enthusiasm, meaning an excited interest,<br />

passion, or zeal. See bacchanal.<br />

erotic/erotica/eratomania To the Greeks Eros<br />

was one of the first generation of divinities born from<br />

Chaos; he was also said to be the son of Aphrodite<br />

and Ares. From the Greek adjective eroticos, we derive<br />

erotic, which describes anyone or anything characterized<br />

by the amatory or sexual passions. Erotica<br />

is a branch of literature or art whose main function<br />

is the arousal of sexual desire. Erotomania is an obsessive<br />

desire for sex. See cupidity.<br />

eristic Eris was the goddess of "strife" or "discord,"<br />

responsible for all the dissension arising from<br />

the Apple of Discord, which she threw among the<br />

guests at the wedding banquet of Peleus and Thetis.<br />

Thus is derived the term eristic, which as an adjective<br />

means pertaining to argument or dispute; as a<br />

noun it refers to rhetoric or the art of debate. See Apple<br />

of Discord.<br />

Europe Europa was the daughter of Agenor,<br />

king of Tyre in Phoenicia. Zeus, disguised as a white<br />

bull, enticed the girl to sit on his back and then<br />

rushed into the sea and made his way toward Greece.<br />

When they reached Crete, Zeus seduced Europa,<br />

who bore a son named Minos and gave her name to<br />

a foreign continent. The word Europe itself may be<br />

of Semitic origin, meaning the land of the setting sun.<br />

Faunus/faun/fauna/flora Faunus, whose name<br />

means one who shows favor, was a Roman woodland<br />

deity. He was thought to bring prosperity to<br />

farmers and shepherds and was often depicted with<br />

horns, ears, tail, and sometimes legs of goat; therefore<br />

he was associated with the Greek god Pan and<br />

also Dionysiac satyrs. A faun comes to be another<br />

name for a satyr. Faunus' consort was Fauna, a female<br />

deity like him in nature. Flora was another,<br />

though minor, agricultural deity, a goddess of flowers,<br />

grain, and the grapevine. When we talk of flora<br />

and fauna, we refer, respectively, to flowers and animals<br />

collectively.<br />

Furies/furious/furioso The Erinyes (Furies) were<br />

avenging spirits. They sprang from the severed genitals<br />

of Uranus when drops of his blood fell to the<br />

earth. They pursued those who had unlawfully shed<br />

blood, particularly within a family. They were said<br />

to rise up to avenge the blood of the slain and pursue<br />

the murderer, driving the guilty to madness. As<br />

chthonic deities they are associated with the Underworld<br />

and are charged with punishing sinners; they<br />

are usually depicted as winged goddesses with<br />

snaky locks. In English fury can refer to a fit of violent<br />

rage or a person in the grip of such a passion,<br />

especially a woman. The Latin adjective furiosus has<br />

given us our adjective furious as well as the musical<br />

term furioso, which is a direction to play a piece in<br />

a turbulent, rushing manner.<br />

Gaia Hypothesis Gaia (or Ge), sprung from<br />

Chaos, is the personification of the earth. Her name<br />

has been employed in a recent coinage called the<br />

Gaia Hypothesis, a theory that views the earth as a<br />

complete living organism, all of its parts working in<br />

concert for its own continued existence.<br />

genius The Latin word Genius designated the<br />

creative power of an individual that was worshiped<br />

as a mythological and religious concept. See demon.<br />

gorgon/gorgoneion/gorgonian/gorgonize<br />

The Gorgons were three sisters who had snakes for<br />

hair and a gaze so terrifying that a mortal who looked<br />

into their eyes was turned to stone. Medusa, the most<br />

famous of the three, was beheaded by Perseus, aided<br />

by Athena and Hermes. Perseus gave the head to<br />

Athena, who affixed it to her shield (see aegis). The<br />

head of the Gorgon was often depicted in Greek art<br />

in a highly stylized manner; this formalized depiction<br />

is called a gorgoneion. Today a gorgon can mean<br />

a terrifying or ugly woman. There is also a species<br />

of coral known as gorgonian with an intricate network<br />

of branching parts. The verb to gorgonize<br />

means to paralyze by fear.<br />

halcyon/halcyon days The mythical bird called<br />

the halcyon is identified with the kingfisher. Ceyx<br />

and Alcyone were lovers. Ceyx, the king of Trachis,<br />

was drowned at sea. Hera sent word to Alcyone in<br />

her sleep through Morpheus, the god of dreams, that<br />

her husband was dead. Alcyone in her grief was<br />

transformed into the kingfisher; as she tried to drag<br />

the lifeless body of Ceyx to shore, he too was changed<br />

into a bird. The lovers still traverse the waves, and<br />

in winter she broods her young in a nest that floats<br />

upon the surface of the water. During this time, Alcyone's<br />

father, Aeolus, king of the winds, keeps them<br />

from disturbing the serene and tranquil sea. Today,<br />

the halcyon days are a period of calm weather dur-

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