JESUS CHRIST: GOD-MAN - Vital Christianity

JESUS CHRIST: GOD-MAN - Vital Christianity

JESUS CHRIST: GOD-MAN - Vital Christianity


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210<br />

Biblical scholars such as C. F. D. Moule sees here a reference to deity and thus interprets<br />

this to mean "God in all His fullness,"4 that is, "all that God is." J. B. Phillips in his New<br />

Testament paraphrase renders this, "the full nature of God." The New English Bible translates it,<br />

"the complete being of God." Lightfoot paraphrases it, "the totality of divine powers and<br />

attributes."5<br />

The idea of the word "fullness" is that nothing of deity is lacking in Christ. He is the full<br />

demonstration of who God is. In other places Paul speaks of Jesus as God "manifest in the<br />

flesh" (1 Ti 3:16) and of His appearance on earth as an "epiphany" (2 Ti 1:10).<br />

Paul's use of the word "full" is significant since it is probably done to argue against the<br />

false teachers at Colossae who looked upon the many spirit beings (aeons) as filling the space<br />

between God and the world. These spirits would serve as intermediaries and therefore any<br />

communication between God and the world had to pass through them. They were the connecting<br />

link between God and His perfect world of the spirit and the world which was inherently evil.<br />

It is likely that these false teachers included Christ as one of these supernatural entities<br />

since they were forced to admit that he was of heavenly origin and thus God was in some sense<br />

present in Him. But He was only one aspect of the divine nature and thus in Himself He was not<br />

sufficient to meet all the needs of people. Paul, therefore, declares that Christ is not just one of<br />

many divine beings. He is the one Mediator between God and the world. All, not just part, of<br />

the attributes of God are centered in Him.<br />

Since the word "dwell" suggests "permanent residence" as opposed to "temporary<br />

sojourn," Paul was probably refuting a teaching among the Colossians that the divine fullness<br />

had only a transient and temporary association with Christ. Paul's point is that God's fullness<br />

resides in Christ permanently.<br />

● Jesus is the "radiance" or "effulgence" and "image" of God (Heb 1:3; Col 1:15).<br />

The word "radiance" or "effulgence" (apaugasma) means "to send forth light," "to flash<br />

out" in the sense of radiating and it also means "to flash back" in the sense of reflecting. The<br />

word apaugasma can mean either a light that is emitted from some luminary in the sense of<br />

radiance or effulgence, or a light reflected from some luminary that is a refulgence or reflection.<br />

The essential meaning is very close. The idea is that Jesus is the manifestation of God, who is<br />

light (1 Jn 1:5).<br />

As one in whom light is sent forth Jesus expresses God to us. Because no one will ever<br />

see God, the only radiance that reaches us from God is mediated to us through Jesus Christ. Just<br />

as the rays of the sun bring light and warmth to the earth, so the light of God shines through the<br />

Person of Jesus into the hearts of people.

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