La pedra en sec. Materials, eines i tècniques tradicionals a les illes ...

La pedra en sec. Materials, eines i tècniques tradicionals a les illes ...

La pedra en sec. Materials, eines i tècniques tradicionals a les illes ...


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: 5 5.11 THE WORK<br />

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tfJfj Sam~f1~ight.<br />

· "Levelling off"; ev<strong>en</strong> though the stones<br />

are of differ<strong>en</strong>t sizes, they all<br />

finish at the same height and thus<br />

form a very flat surface.<br />

· "Corona" (top row, also called levelled,<br />

chained or crowned. Under this<br />

topping off system, stones of the<br />

same height and with more or <strong>les</strong>s<br />

rectangular faces are used and are<br />

laid after levelling. If the stones are<br />

slabs, they are normally laid flat or in<br />

a row, whereas if they are prismatic<br />

shaped stones they are normally placed<br />

on <strong>en</strong>d. A not very thick layer of<br />

earth is spread on top of the levelled<br />

surface on which the top row is seated<br />

and which is laid straight at a finger's<br />

breadth behind the levelled surface.<br />

The stones in the top row are usually<br />

larger than the stones in the rest of<br />

the wall so that their weight stops the<br />

smaller stones from moving especially<br />

wh<strong>en</strong> people walk along the<br />

top.<br />

The fact that some terrace walls have<br />

two or three superimposed top rows<br />

is due to the wall being built up,<br />

sometimes as a result of the need to<br />

increase its height in areas where the<br />

soil t<strong>en</strong>ds to slide down the hillside.<br />

· "Filada Cabrera" (goatherd row); the<br />

stones in the top row are placed so<br />

that they jut out over the rest of the<br />

wall. This system is usually used in<br />

walls and in some terrace walls.<br />

There are two topping off systems<br />

particular to boundary walls: "esqu<strong>en</strong>a<br />

d'ase" (the donkey's back) and the<br />

"esqu<strong>en</strong>a de cavall" (or horse's back)<br />

which is semicircular.<br />

Tools required<br />

Stop, punch, square hammer, small<br />

stone hammer, large stone hammer,<br />

bevel square, triangular hoe and twohandled<br />

basket.<br />

I SQn~Q Q9P tipUQ dQ mgulmito.t, 1M<br />

pedres amb <strong>les</strong> que s'acaba el mur<br />

no estan anivellades.<br />

· Rasant, tot i que <strong>les</strong> pedres son de<br />

difer<strong>en</strong>ts dim<strong>en</strong>sions, estan anivellades<br />

i form<strong>en</strong> aixi un pia b<strong>en</strong> definit.<br />

· Filada de dalt, tambe anom<strong>en</strong>ada<br />

igualada, <strong>en</strong>cad<strong>en</strong>at 0 corona. En<br />

aquest tipus d'acabat s'utilitz<strong>en</strong><br />

pedres de la mateixa algaria i de cara<br />

mes 0 manco rectangular que se<br />

situ<strong>en</strong> despres de la rasant. Si la form<strong>en</strong><br />

Iloses, aques-tes sol<strong>en</strong><br />

col·locar-se de pia 0 <strong>en</strong> rastell; si son<br />

peces de <strong>pedra</strong> de forma prismatica<br />

sol<strong>en</strong> posar-se de fil. Damunt la<br />

rasant s'escampa una capa de terra<br />

no gaire gruixuda sobre la qual s'ass<strong>en</strong>ta<br />

la filada de dalt que es col·loca<br />

replomant i a un dit <strong>en</strong>rera de la<br />

rasant.<br />

Les dim<strong>en</strong>sions de <strong>les</strong> peces de la<br />

filada de dalt sol<strong>en</strong> ser majors que<br />

<strong>les</strong> de la resta del param<strong>en</strong>t, de tal<br />

manera que el pes impedeixi que <strong>les</strong><br />

pedres petites es moguin i que quan<br />

hi caminin per damunt es desplacin.<br />

L'exist<strong>en</strong>cia de marges amb dues 0<br />

tres filades de dalt superposades<br />

s'explica per un creixem<strong>en</strong>t del mur<br />

provocat, a vegades, per la necessitat<br />

d'augm<strong>en</strong>tar I'algaria del mur <strong>en</strong><br />

indrets on la terra va lIiscant.<br />

· Filada cabrera, <strong>les</strong> pedres de la filada<br />

de dalt es col·loqu<strong>en</strong> de forma<br />

que sobresurtin respecte de la resta<br />

del param<strong>en</strong>t. Sol estar relacionada<br />

amb <strong>les</strong> parets i alguns marges.<br />

Dins <strong>les</strong> parets de delimitacio existeix<strong>en</strong><br />

dues formes propies d'aquests<br />

tipus d'elem<strong>en</strong>ts: I'esqu<strong>en</strong>a d'ase i el<br />

mig punt 0 esqu<strong>en</strong>a de cavall.<br />

Eines necessaries<br />

Tope, punx6, maceta, martell de<br />

punta petit, martell de punta gras,<br />

capserrat, cavec i s<strong>en</strong>alla.

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