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Effects of Invasive Non-Native Species on the Native Biodiversity in the River Rhine 267<br />

polymorpha can also harm other suspension-feeding bivalves by depleting<br />

food resources (phytoplankton) through massive filtration (Caraco et al.<br />

1997).<br />

Dreissena polymorpha has virtually eliminated the native unionid fauna in<br />

many parts of the lower Great Lakes in North America (Ricciardi et al. 1998;<br />

Strayer 1999). In the Rhine, the decline of the highly specialized and endangered<br />

unionid mussels and other filter-feeding macroinvertebrates could also<br />

partly be due to competition with D. polymorpha. However, D. polymorpha is<br />

not harmful to all riverine species. In North America, the clam provides other<br />

benthic invertebrates with nourishment (in the form of faecal deposits) and<br />

shelter (interstitial spaces between clumped mussel shells), resulting in a local<br />

enhancement of abundance and diversity for these other species (Ricciardi<br />

2005). Non-native deposit feeders may increase in abundance whereas native<br />

filter-feeders are out-competed by D. polymorpha. Among the invertebrates<br />

responding positively to zebra mussel colonisation are non-native oligochaetes,<br />

leeches, amphipods, gastropods, larval chironomids and aquatic<br />

weeds (Ricciardi et al. 1997; Karatayev et al. 2002). Thus, invading species may<br />

also have synergistic impacts which facilitate the establishment of other<br />

invaders.<br />

The clams Corbicula fluminea and C. fluminalis, originating from Southeast<br />

Asia, were first recorded in the Lower Rhine in The Netherlands in 1985<br />

(Bij de Vaate and Greijdanus-Klaas 1990). Six years later, the clams were found<br />

near Karlsruhe in the Upper Rhine and, in 1995, C. fluminea was reported near<br />

Basel in Switzerland (Rey et al. 2004). C. fluminea is restricted to the gravely–<br />

sandy river bottom because sticking structures are lacking. The clam reached<br />

densities of 1,800 individuals m –2 in the Rhine (Haas et al. 2002). Den Hartog<br />

et al. (1992) suspected that the spill of toxic waste from the Sandoz accident in<br />

1986, affecting the Rhine over hundreds of kilometres, contributed to the<br />

clams’ success because most macroinvertebrates were killed and, as a consequence,<br />

their niches were unoccupied.<br />

Several mechanisms by which Corbicula may affect native bivalves have<br />

been proposed (Strayer 1999). Dense populations of Corbicula may deplete<br />

concentrations of phytoplankton and other edible suspended particles,<br />

thereby ‘starving out’ native bivalves. Modest to dramatic declines in phytoplankton<br />

or seston have been recorded in habitats with high Corbicula density<br />

in North America (Leff et al. 1990; Phelps 1994). Dense populations of Corbicula<br />

may ingest large numbers of unionid sperm, glochidia and newly metamorphosed<br />

juveniles (Strayer 1999). Because Corbicula pedal feeds on edible<br />

particles in the sediments, it may deplete also this food resource, affecting<br />

some sphaeriids and juvenile unionids which use benthic organic matter as<br />

food. Corbicula actively disturbs the sediments, so dense populations may<br />

reduce habitat quality and space for native bivalves.<br />

Several studies show that the impact of C. fluminea on native benthic<br />

species depends on both site and community characteristics (Leff et al. 1990;

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