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The definitive granting of shares is subject to the following performance criteria:<br />

ˇˇfor beneficiaries who were members of the Executive Committee at 16 April <strong>2013</strong>, performance shares are only deemed to be definitively<br />

granted if, in respect to both <strong>2013</strong> and 2014, the VINCI Group’s average return on capital employed (ROCE) is higher than 8%, after restating<br />

for any non-controlling interests greater than 33.33%. The number of performance shares finally granted will depend on this rate: 100% of<br />

the shares will be granted if ROCE is higher than 9% and the proportion will be set by linear interpolation if the rate is between 8% and 9%;<br />

ˇˇfor beneficiaries who were not members of the Executive Committee at 16 April <strong>2013</strong>, performance shares are only deemed to be definitively<br />

granted if, in respect to both <strong>2013</strong> and 2014, the VINCI Group’s average ROCE is higher than 6%, after restating for any non-controlling<br />

interests greater than 33.33%. The number of performance shares finally granted will depend on this rate: 100% of the shares will be granted<br />

if ROCE is higher than 7% and the proportion will be set by linear interpolation if the rate is between 6% and 7%;<br />

ˇˇthe Board of Directors decided not to take the impact of the acquisition of the airports concession company ANA into account in the<br />

calculation of ROCE.<br />


The plan also provides that the shares granted in this way must be retained for two years, i.e. until 16 April 2017, during which time they may<br />

not be transferred or sold other than in the event of permanent disability or death. The number of shares originally granted by the Board of<br />

Directors on 16 April <strong>2013</strong> to the 10 employees who were not company officers and had been granted the largest number of shares was<br />

114,400; the number of shares granted to the members of the Executive Committee was 127,800, thus about 6.34% of the total number<br />

granted.<br />

5.3.3 Definitive granting of performance shares on 2 May <strong>2013</strong> under the plan set up by the Board of Directors<br />

on 2 May 2011<br />

At its meeting of 16 April <strong>2013</strong>, the Board of Directors, after reviewing the performance conditions applying to this plan, decided to definitively<br />

grant, at 2 May <strong>2013</strong>, 100% of the performance shares originally granted (i.e. 2,004,903 shares) to the beneficiaries of the performance share<br />

plan set up on 2 May 2011 (i.e. 1,657 individuals), with the understanding that these shares must be retained by their beneficiaries until at<br />

least 2 May 2015.<br />

6. Formalities for participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’<br />

General Meeting<br />

The formalities for shareholders to participate in the Shareholders’ General Meeting are described in Article 17 of the Articles of Association<br />

and reproduced below:<br />

Article 17 - Shareholders’ General Meetings<br />

Shareholders’ General Meetings are called and take place in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force.<br />

The meetings are held either at the registered office or at another location specified in the notice of the meeting.<br />

All shareholders may, regardless of the number of shares they own, participate in meetings personally or by proxy, on producing evidence<br />

of their identity and shareholding in the form of either:<br />

ˇˇa personal registration of the shares in their own name; or<br />

ˇˇa record of the shares in a bearer securities account with an authorised intermediary. The intermediary must provide an attendance certificate,<br />

which can be communicated by electronic means, if necessary.<br />

These formalities must be completed no later than midnight (Paris time), on the third business day before the meeting. Shareholders wishing<br />

to attend the meeting but who have not received their admission card by midnight (Paris time) of the third business day before the meeting<br />

will be given an attendance certificate. However, the Board of Directors may shorten or remove this time period provided that any such<br />

decision applies to all shareholders.<br />

If the Board of Directors so decides when the General Meeting is called, individual shareholders may take part in the General Meeting by video<br />

conference or vote by any telecommunication or electronic means including via the Internet, in accordance with the applicable regulations in<br />

force at the time such means are used. Any such decision must be communicated in the notice of meeting and the invitation to the meeting.<br />

Postal votes may be cast, subject to the terms and conditions defined by law and regulations. Shareholders may transmit proxy forms and<br />

postal votes for every Shareholders’ General Meeting, under the conditions set out by law and regulations, either in paper form or, if the<br />

Board of Directors so authorises, by electronic means, including over the Internet. Those shareholders who, within the required time period,<br />

use the electronic voting form on the website made available by the meeting centraliser, are counted as attending or represented shareholders.<br />

Shareholders may complete and sign the electronic voting form directly on the centralising bank’s website by any process determined by<br />

the Board of Directors that meets the conditions set forth in the first sentence of the second paragraph of Article 1316-4 of the French Civil<br />

Code and Articles R.225-77, subsection 2, and R.225-79 of the French Commercial Code and, more generally, the provisions of law and<br />

regulations in force. This process may include the use of a personal identifier and password.<br />

Proxy forms received and votes cast prior to the Shareholders’ General Meeting by electronic means, together with the acknowledgement<br />

of receipt provided, shall be considered as irrevocable acts enforceable with regard to all parties involved, it being specified that in the event<br />

of a sale of shares that takes place before the third business day prior to the Meeting at zero hour (Paris time), the Company shall invalidate<br />

or amend, as necessary, any proxy form or vote cast prior to such date and time.<br />

Shareholders’ General Meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or, in his or her absence, by the Vice-Chairman of the<br />

Board of Directors, if a Vice-Chairman has been designated, or by a member of the Board of Directors specifically appointed by the Board<br />

to that effect. Failing that, shareholders elect their own Chairman.<br />

The minutes of the Shareholders’ General Meetings are drawn up and copies thereof are certified and delivered in compliance with regulations<br />

in force.

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