MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...


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21<br />

ence on the accuracy of the final grids. The correlation coefficient<br />

between cross-validation error and data density was 0.51 and the<br />

coefficient between cross-validation error and the range was 0.39<br />

(for these data, increased range was associated with increased<br />

error). Data density and range were combined in a multi-variate<br />

linear regression model that explained 81 percent of the variance<br />

in cross-validation error and predicted the amount of error within<br />

100 feet (RMSE). The maps could be improved by more well control,<br />

especially in deep and faulted areas of the Rome trough and<br />

Appalachian basin.<br />

Comparisons between cross-validation error and gridding error<br />

provided additional discernment on uncertainty issues. In general, if<br />

the two error measurements showed good agreement, it confirmed<br />

the gridding method was creating surfaces with error levels compatible<br />

with those expected from direct gridding from kriging (block<br />

kriging). However, the gridding error was much smaller for the<br />

Cambrian basal sandstones structure map and showed the improved<br />

fit of the hand-contoured map in the Rome trough area. Yet, such improvement<br />

was not observed on other Lower Paleozoic maps. The<br />

gridding error was much larger than the cross-validation error for<br />

both the Oriskany and Medina structure maps, which were interpolated<br />

using Petra. One possible interpretation was that the gridding<br />

method (ANUDEM) found it difficult to fit the small closed-contour<br />

features present on these maps.<br />

Both the computer interpolation and final gridding routines were<br />

expected to have difficulty in the faulted regions of the study area.<br />

Faults violate the basic assumptions of kriging and are difficult<br />

to represent in a grid. RMSE grid errors were compared between<br />

the faulted areas and the rest of the basin. The faulted areas had<br />

much larger errors in the Cambrian basal sandstones structure and<br />

the Copper Ridge Dolomite isopach maps (Table 3). These layers<br />

contained many wells that occurred directly on faults (the Cambrian<br />

basal sandstones isopach was very thin in the faulted area and had a<br />

small RMSE value). Otherwise, the magnitude of error was similar<br />

for the two regions and the faulted areas did not consistently contain<br />

increased error over the rest of the region (Table 3). However,<br />

the user should be particularly cautious when using the maps in the<br />

faulted regions of the Lower Paleozoic.<br />


Oil and Gas Fields Map<br />

The mapping and compilation of state oil and gas fields maps<br />

into one regional GIS layer for this project has greatly advanced<br />

our ability to assess energy and sequestration resources at regional<br />

and state scales. The map represents the first digital petroleum field<br />

data for the states of Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West<br />

Virginia. Moreover, Michigan and Maryland were able to significantly<br />

update their petroleum fields maps, and in Pennsylvania and<br />

West Virginia, their current oil and gas field digitization projects<br />

were completed as a result of the <strong>MRCSP</strong> project. Digital layers<br />

from these states were combined with updated digital maps from<br />

Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio to make the first seamless regional<br />

map and database of oil and gas fields. The resulting map/GIS layers<br />

will have many uses for CO 2 sequestration, oil and gas exploration<br />

and development, regional planning, general public education,<br />

and uses by other sectors.<br />

Methodologies used in creating and storing oil-and-gas-field<br />

tabular data and field boundary maps differed widely from state to<br />

state. The biggest challenge to making an integrated, regional map<br />

was to conform the tabular field data from each state into a common<br />

Table 3.—Comparison between uncertainty<br />

in faulted and non-faulted areas<br />

Mapping Unit<br />

Faulted Area<br />

(RMSE ft)<br />

format. Ohio Division of <strong>Geologic</strong>al Survey personnel designed a<br />

data structure that allowed tabular attributes to be populated with<br />

data from each state (data tables can be found on the accompanying<br />

GIS CD). The oil and gas fields database contains the basic<br />

attributes necessary for the calculation of CO 2 sequestration potential<br />

(average depth, porosity, thickness). The main challenge in<br />

creating the system was assembling data from geologically similar<br />

units into common regional plays. Common plays were developed<br />

by combining geologic units of similar age and lithology using<br />

the stratigraphic correlation chart created by the <strong>MRCSP</strong> team<br />

as guidance (Figure 5). For instance, the “Clinton”/Medina play<br />

map locally contains fields that produce from the Silurian “Clinton”<br />

sandstone of Ohio (Cataract Group on Figure 5), the Medina<br />

Group sands of Pennsylvania and the Tuscarora Sandstone of West<br />

Virginia (see Figure A7-2).<br />

The methods used to draw the oil-and-gas-field boundaries<br />

(polygons) varied from state to state. The most common method<br />

was to sort the well data by play or individual producing formation,<br />

and draw the field boundaries by hand. Usually a buffer of less than<br />

one-quarter to no more than one-half mile was used to define the<br />

boundary near the outmost wells of a pool or field. Within larger<br />

fields, holes will be found within the interior of the field polygon;<br />

this is where dry holes are encountered, or where producing wells<br />

have been drilled farther apart than the established minimum buffer.<br />

Such hand-drawn maps existed as legacy data for most of the<br />

states and were used as a starting point in Pennsylvania, Indiana,<br />

West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio—in these instances the field<br />

boundaries were simply digitized and attributed. These new digital<br />

maps can, and are, digitally updated as needed by automatic or<br />

semi-automatic buffering methods (using a GIS package) when<br />

new wells are drilled in Indiana, West Virginia, and Ohio. Field<br />

maps for Michigan were made solely using GIS buffering of the<br />

well locations for <strong>Phase</strong> I, but will be augmented by hand-digitizing<br />

in the future. Field boundaries were merged into a common<br />

GIS layer, but blending of oil-and-gas-field boundaries between the<br />

states was not done. The individual state maps were compiled from<br />

a variety of base maps that were at different scales (see metadata<br />

in the oil-and-gas-fields layer on the accompanying GIS CD); users<br />

should be cognizant of the accuracy differences from state to state<br />

because of this.<br />

Injection Wells<br />

Rest of Basin<br />

(RMSE ft)<br />

Basal Cambrian Injection 754 297<br />

Targets Structure<br />

Basal Cambrian Injection 33 402<br />

Targets Isopach<br />

Copper Ridge Structure 359 401<br />

Copper Ridge Isopach 1,141 332<br />

Rose Run Structure 211 263<br />

Rose Run Isopach 26 27<br />

Knox Structure 130 185<br />

The different injection-well types gathered for the <strong>MRCSP</strong><br />

region are categorized as follows: 1) Class I—hazardous and

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