MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...


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dolostone above the dolostones of the Beekmantown that he called<br />

the Loysburg Formation (Pennsylvania) from outcrops at Loysburg,<br />

Bedford County, Pennsylvania. This formation is considered Middle<br />

Ordovician in age at the type locality, but grows progressively<br />

younger westward across the state (Berg and others, 1986). Westward,<br />

drillers refer to a clean micritic limestone interval in this part<br />

of the section as the “Gull River limestone” (Ohio), an erroneous<br />

name originally applied to a younger stratigraphic unit in Ontario<br />

(Wickstrom, 1996).<br />

Above these strata are the Upper Ordovician Black River Group<br />

(or Limestone) (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia,<br />

and Maryland), named by Vanuxem (1842) for the Ordovician<br />

limestones lying below the Trenton Limestone in cliffs along<br />

the Black River in New York. Its equivalent is the High Bridge<br />

Group (Kentucky), which was described by Campbell (1898), for<br />

200 feet of white limestone grading downward into gray limestone<br />

and calcareous shales. The High Bridge includes in ascending order,<br />

the Camp Nelson, Oregon, and Tyrone Limestones (Cressman and<br />

Peterson, 2001). Above these strata are the Trenton Group (or Limestone)<br />

(Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and<br />

Maryland), first described by Vanuxem (1938) from Trenton Falls,<br />

Oneida County, New York, where 100 feet of light-gray, sparry<br />

limestone underlain by dark-gray to black compact limestone are<br />

exposed in the waterfall and adjacent cliffs. The equivalent Lexington<br />

Limestone (Kentucky) was described by Campbell (1898) for<br />

140 to 180 feet of thin-bedded, gray limestone that contains chert<br />

nodules at the base and a persistent band of chert at the top. It has<br />

since been divided into numerous members (Cressman, 1973).<br />

Above the Trenton/Lexington interval, the section becomes increasingly<br />

complicated. Dark mudrocks gradually to sharply replace<br />

the carbonates, and in turn are replaced by coarser clastics. The<br />

Richmond Group (southwestern Michigan) consists of three formations<br />

described by Hussey (1926) from Delta County, Michigan,<br />

including (in ascending order): 1) the Bill’s Creek Shale, composed<br />

of thin-bedded shales with thin layers of interbedded argillaceous,<br />

fossiliferous limestone exposed on Bill’s Creek; 2) the Stonington<br />

Formation, consisting of a lower 20 feet of cherty limestones and<br />

upper 38 feet of argillaceous limestone in alternating hard and soft<br />

layers exposed north of the Stonington Post Office; and 3) the Big<br />

Hill Formation, a 27 feet thick sequence of light-gray, moderately<br />

hard, noncrystalline limestone grading to dark-gray, hard, coarsely<br />

crystalline, argillaceous limestone exposed along Maywood Road.<br />

White (1870) described the equivalent Maquoketa Group (Indiana)<br />

as 80 feet of bluish and brownish shales exposed on the Little<br />

Maquoketa River in Dubuque County, Iowa. The U. S. <strong>Geologic</strong>al<br />

Survey later adopted the name for the middle formation of the Richmond<br />

Group in the lower Mississippi Valley.<br />

The Clays Ferry Limestone (central and eastern Kentucky and<br />

southern Ohio) is equivalent with the lower part of the Maquoketa.<br />

It consists of interbedded thin shales, limestones, and siltstones (as<br />

summarized by Weir and others, 1965) and grades upward and laterally<br />

into interbedded carbonate and clastic lithologies comprising<br />

the Fairview, Leipers, Ashlock, Drakes, Grant Lake, and Bull Fork<br />

formations (Kentucky and southern Ohio), as summarized by Weir<br />

and others (1984) and Cressman and Peterson (2001). The Clays<br />

Ferry grades northward and eastward into the Point Pleasant Formation<br />

(Ohio and Pennsylvania), a relatively thick sequence of interlayered<br />

gray to green, calcareous shale, limestone, siltstone, and<br />

sandstone named by Newberry (1873) for strata exposed at Point<br />

Pleasant, Clermont County, Ohio. The Point Pleasant grades eastward<br />

and southeastward with the Utica Shale (southeastern Michigan,<br />

eastern Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania), a<br />

series of gray to black and brown shales with few, if any, interbedded<br />

limestones. This unit was named by Emmons (1842) for black<br />

shales exposed in Utica, Oneida County, New York.<br />

Above the Utica is a thick sequence of shales that Ulrich (1911)<br />

named the Reedsville Formation (western Pennsylvania and western<br />

West Virginia) for exposures at Reedsville, Mifflin County,<br />

Pennsylvania. The Utica and Reedsville together grade laterally<br />

into the Martinsburg Formation (central Pennsylvania, Maryland,<br />

West Virginia, and southeastern Ohio), named by Geiger and Keith<br />

(1891) for exposures at Martinsburg, West Virginia. The Martinsburg<br />

consists primarily of dark colored calcareous and argillaceous<br />

shales with some siltstone and limestone. This sequence (Utica<br />

and Reedsville/Martinsburg) gradually coarsens upward. Where<br />

the dominant lithology is sandstone the names Oswego Sandstone<br />

(southeastern Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland) and Bald Eagle<br />

Formation (Pennsylvania) are applied. Prosser (p. 946 in Ashburner,<br />

1888) first used the name Oswego Sandstone to replace “grey sandstone<br />

of Oswego,” a term used by Emmons (1842) for exposures in<br />

Oswego County, New York. The Oswego consists of gray, fine- to<br />

coarse-grained sandstones interbedded with siltstones and shales.<br />

Grabau (1909) named the Bald Eagle for gray to white conglomerates<br />

and quartz sandstones exposed on Bald Eagle Mountain in Blair<br />

County, Pennsylvania. The Oswego and Bald Eagle grade upward<br />

into the red sandstones and shales of the Juniata Formation (central<br />

Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and southeastern Ohio).<br />

Darlton (1896; also Darlton and Taff, 1896) first referred to the<br />

Juniata while describing brownish-red sandstones alternating with<br />

red shales. The name refers to exposures along the Juniata River<br />

in central Pennsylvania. To the north and west, the Juniata loses<br />

most of the coarser clastics, and the name changes to Queenston<br />

Formation (southeastern Michigan, northeastern Ohio, and western<br />

Pennsylvania), although the red coloration remains. Grabau (1908)<br />

first used the name Queenston for red shales underlying the Medina<br />

Sandstone at Queenston, Ontario. Thompson (1999) summarized<br />

the stratigraphic and lithologic character of the post-Trenton clastics<br />

sequence in Pennsylvania and adjacent areas, and Laughrey and<br />

Harper (1996) studied the potential for gas production from the Bald<br />

Eagle and Oswego formations. Because the Bald Eagle/Oswego and<br />

Juniata sequences have carbon sequestration potential, more details<br />

are provided below.<br />


The Knox to Lower Silurian Unconformity Interval is bounded<br />

on the bottom by the Knox unconformity and at the top by the<br />

Cherokee unconformity. Based on lithostratigraphy, both unconformities<br />

seemingly grade to conformable contacts eastward in central<br />

Pennsylvania and Maryland. However, with the advent of sequence<br />

stratigraphy in the 1980s and 1990s, it has been shown that at least<br />

the Cherokee unconformity is probably basin wide in nature.<br />

The Knox unconformity (= Owl Creek unconformity in North<br />

America) is a much larger magnitude erosional event than the Cherokee<br />

unconformity. It developed as a result of a change in the southern<br />

margin of the Laurentian plate from passive to convergent by<br />

arc-continent or microplate-continent collision during Middle Ordovician<br />

time (Jacobi, 1981; Shanmugam and Lash, 1982; Scotese<br />

and McKerrow, 1991). This caused major changes in sea level, tectonism,<br />

and depositional environments across the continent (Mussman<br />

and Read, 1986; Read, 1989). By the early Middle Ordovician,<br />

much of the southern continental shelf of Laurentia was emergent,<br />

resulting in exposure of the Middle Ordovician through Upper Cambrian<br />

strata to severe erosion, from the Transcontinental arch in the

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