MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...

MRCSP Phase I Geologic Characterization Report - Midwest ...


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Another Middle Proterozoic rift system is found abutting the<br />

Grenville front in southern Michigan. This feature extends, in a circular<br />

fashion, northward through the upper peninsula of Michigan<br />

then southward, out of the <strong>MRCSP</strong> study area, through Minnesota,<br />

Iowa, and into Kansas. Termed the Midcontinent rift system, this<br />

feature exhibits similar lithologies and ages (1.2-1.1 Ga) to that of<br />

the ECRB (Daniels, 1982; Green, 1982; Van Schmus and Hinze,<br />

1985; Dickas, 1986). However, insufficient data exist to ascertain if<br />

these two rift systems are related (Drahovzal and others, 1992).<br />

The Penokean province is an early Proterozoic magmatic belt that<br />

consists of felsic and mafic volcanics (1.88-1.83 Ga) that contain<br />

younger granitic intrusions (1.83-1.7 Ga) (Smith, 1978; Sims and<br />

others, 1989; Van Schmus and Hinze, 1993). Penokean rocks are<br />

found only in portions of northern Michigan within the <strong>MRCSP</strong><br />

study area.<br />

Basement rocks occur at the surface in the upper peninsula of<br />

Michigan and consist of a variety of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary<br />

rocks that range from Archean to Proterozoic in age. East<br />

of the <strong>MRCSP</strong> study area, basement rocks are exposed in the Blue<br />

Ridge province where Grenville and Piedmont province metamorphic<br />

rocks occur in westward-thrusted blocks of the Appalachian<br />

mountains. Between these two areas, the basement rocks are in the<br />

subsurface. The top of basement ranges from surface exposures in<br />

Michigan and the Appalachians to depths that are speculated to be<br />

greater than 45,000-feet below sea level in southeastern Pennsylvania<br />

(Shumaker, 1996); however, no wells have penetrated nearly<br />

that deep, thus the actually depth remains unknown.<br />

Overall, the configuration of the basement can be seen as a bifurcating<br />

high-area in the west that has deeper areas to the southwest,<br />

north, and east (Figure A1-2). The shallowest areas on the map occur<br />

in west-central Ohio and north-central Kentucky, along the Cincinnati<br />

arch; here, basement rocks occur less than 2,000-feet below<br />

sea level. The Cincinnati arch extends from south-central Kentucky<br />

to west-central Ohio where it dissipates into the Ohio-Indiana platform,<br />

a broad expanse of relatively flat-lying terrain. To the northwest,<br />

the Kankakee arch extends across northern Indiana. Northeast<br />

of the Ohio-Indiana platform, and on the east side of the Grenville<br />

front, the Findlay arch, another positive structural element, occurs<br />

and extends northeastward into Canada.<br />

These positive features—the Cincinnati, Kankakee, and Findlay<br />

arches and the Ohio-Indiana platform (Figures 6 and A1-2)—separate<br />

the three major structural and sedimentary basins of this region:<br />

the Michigan basin to the north (centered in the lower peninsula of<br />

Michigan), the Illinois basin to the southwest (centered in southwest<br />

Indiana, south-central Illinois, and western Kentucky), and the Appalachian<br />

basin to the east (occurring in eastern Kentucky, eastern<br />

Ohio, West Virginia, western Maryland, and Pennsylvania). While<br />

subsidence was occurring in the three surrounding basins, the Cincinnati-Findlay-Kankakee<br />

arch complex remained relatively stable<br />

(at least compared to the rate of subsidence in the basins). However,<br />

during the major tectonic orogenies of the Paleozoic, some structural<br />

arching did occur and is reflected locally by the occurrence<br />

and distribution of various lithologic facies within specific intervals<br />

of rocks preserved in the <strong>MRCSP</strong> study area. Yet, despite this influence<br />

of the orogenic events of the rocks, most structural relief of the<br />

arches is thought to be the result of differential subsidence within<br />

the basins rather than tectonic arching of these structurally positive<br />

features (Wickstrom and others, 1992b). However, it should be<br />

pointed out that the majority of the subsidence of the surrounding<br />

basins occurred in the Silurian and later.<br />

The map of the structural surface of the Precambrian (Figure A1-<br />

2) represents its present-day configuration. The major sedimentary<br />

basins, as known today, did not exist during the Precambrian, nor<br />

during much of the Paleozoic. The reader will find many references,<br />

in later sections of this report, to proto-basins (e.g., proto-Michigan<br />

basin, etc.) meaning the early-formed portions of these basins.<br />

Throughout the early Paleozoic, these basins developed different<br />

configurations as the centers of deposition shifted with time (illustrated<br />

by the thickness (isopach) maps of units with different ages)<br />

in response to the multiple tectonic events that occurred during the<br />

Paleozoic. Mapping the structural elements (faults, highs, and lows<br />

as can be seen on various geologic surfaces) and the thickness of<br />

individual units as well as combined intervals of the area, reveals the<br />

geologic complexities of the region. Understanding these complexities<br />

are fundamental and necessary prerequisites in order to delineate<br />

where potential adequate, safe storage of CO 2 may be found.<br />

A few faults cut the Cincinnati arch, Ohio-Indiana platform,<br />

Kankakee arch and Findlay arch complex (Figure 6). One of<br />

these faults, the Grenville front fault, extends from south-central<br />

Kentucky, northward into eastern Michigan. In northern Ohio and<br />

southern Michigan, this fault system is expressed as the north-south<br />

trending Bowling Green fault system, which is locally exposed at<br />

the surface. To the south, in west-central Ohio, however, the fault<br />

is not exposed and a paucity of data limits our understanding of the<br />

feature. As a result, the extent and displacement on the fault during<br />

the Paleozoic is unknown and its position is imprecise, being based<br />

largely on potential field data (Lidiak and Zietz, 1976; Mayhew<br />

and others, 1982; Denison and others, 1984; Lidiak and others,<br />

1985). Further south, the Grenville front is once again expressed<br />

at the surface by a major fault system, the Lexington fault system,<br />

in central Kentucky.<br />

Several minor, northeast-oriented, down-to-southeast faults cut<br />

the axis and southwest flank of the Kankakee arch in northern Indiana<br />

and several northwest-trending faults cut the southeast flank of<br />

the Findlay arch in northwestern Ohio. On regional reflection seismic<br />

profiles in central Ohio, deep basement reflectors can be seen<br />

dipping to the southeast. To the east, in east-central Ohio, a zone of<br />

indistinct reflectors is present, while west-dipping reflectors occur<br />

in the basement of eastern Ohio. The transition zone between the<br />

southeast- to west-dipping reflectors is called the Coshocton zone<br />

(Figure 6) and is thought to represent an ancient continent to continent<br />

suture zone (Culotta and others, 1990).<br />

North of the Kankakee arch and west of the Findlay arch, the<br />

Michigan basin forms a nearly circular depression that reaches a<br />

depth of more than 15,000-feet below sea level (Warner, 1989). The<br />

configuration of the basin is largely based on oil and gas test wells<br />

because little publicly available seismic data exist for the region.<br />

Because of this, little is known of deep basement faulting in the<br />

basin. The Mid-Michigan rift part of the Midcontinent rift system<br />

(Figure 6) has been mapped largely on potential field data and is interpreted<br />

to form a Precambrian graben that extends northwestward<br />

across the basin (Hinze and others, 1971, 1975, 1997; Brown and<br />

others, 1982).<br />

South and southwest of the Kankakee arch, basement of the<br />

<strong>MRCSP</strong> study area dips southwest onto the northeast edge of the<br />

Illinois Basin, a feature that covers most of Illinois, southwestern<br />

Indiana and western Kentucky. The southwest dip is fairly regular at<br />

a rate of about a half of a degree (Buschbach, 1984; Rupp, 1991).<br />

To the east of the Cincinnati-Findlay arch is the Appalachian<br />

basin. The basement dips at an average rate of about one degree to<br />

the southeast in the Ohio part of the basin (Baranoski, 2002). Much<br />

of the basement configuration for Ohio is based on oil and gas well<br />

data, backed up by about 600 miles of publicly available reflection<br />

seismic data.

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