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INFO<br />

Sängerknaben<br />

gesucht<br />

Choir Boys<br />

wanted<br />

Singen kann jeder, ist<br />

Gerald Wirth, künstlerischer<br />

Leiter der Wiener<br />

Sängerknaben, überzeugt –<br />

man muss es nur ein wenig<br />

trainieren. Für singbegeisterte<br />

Buben finden<br />

regelmäßig Schnupperwochen<br />

statt. Vorsingen ist<br />

selbstverständlich auch<br />

jederzeit erwünscht.<br />

Gerald Wirth, Artistic<br />

Director of the Vienna<br />

Boys Choir, is convinced<br />

that anyone can sing – all<br />

you need is a bit of<br />

training. If you love singing<br />

and fancy getting a feel for<br />

what it’s like to be a<br />

member of the Vienna<br />

Boys Choir, try-out weeks<br />

are offered regularly. You’ll<br />

need to audition first, of<br />

course.<br />

INFO:<br />

www.wienersaengerknaben.at<br />

Die Sängerknaben am Dach des Wiener Rathauses.<br />

The Boys Choir on the roof of Vienna’s Rathaus.<br />

Palm Desert, 19th February 2015. The Vienna<br />

Boys Choir starts its US tour at the elegant<br />

McCallum Theatre, in front of 1,130 spectators.<br />

And in a few days, it’ll be time for the members<br />

of the Vienna Boys Choir to pack their bags all over<br />

again, board the tour bus and head 140 miles southwest<br />

to San Diego for the next concert, at the Copley<br />

Symphony Hall. After that it’s Pasadena, California,<br />

shortly followed by Santa Barbara, and Alto, New<br />

Mexico.<br />

The extensive concert tour takes the world’s most<br />

famous boys choir across nine states in just 30 days,<br />

until they finally hang up their sailors’ suits – for the<br />

moment, at least – at the Upper St. Clair HS Auditorium,<br />

Pennsylvania, and head out to the airport, just<br />

in time for the flight back to Vienna. The Vienna<br />

Boys Choir performs over 300 concerts a year. As<br />

well as the US, their tour schedule regularly includes<br />

Japan, almost every state in Europe, China, Taiwan,<br />

South Korea, Australia, Africa and the Arab world.<br />

The members of the Vienna Boys Choir are frequently<br />

referred to as “Austria’s youngest ambassadors”,<br />

and not without good reason. The famous<br />

choir was not always quite as fond of travelling as it is<br />

today, however. Founded in 1498 as part of the Imperial<br />

Court Chapel, of Kaiser Maximilian I, the ‘Hofcapell-Singknaben’<br />

sang exclusively for the Imperial<br />

Court for some 420 years, as well as for Sunday Mass<br />

at the Hofburg Chapel (a tradition that the choir<br />

continues to this day, together with the musicians of<br />

the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra). Then, in 1918,<br />

the fall of the Habsburg Monarchy brought with it a<br />

reorientation of the famous Choir. From now on,<br />

along with appearances in productions by the Vienna<br />

State Opera and at the Salzburg Festival, they would<br />

begin touring concert halls across the world, from<br />

New York to Beijing. They perform the enormous<br />

workload of the world-famous choir divided into<br />

four choirs – because after all, the boys have to overcome<br />

the rigours of school, as well as their musical<br />

education and concerts.<br />

In December 2012, the Vienna Boys Choir was finally<br />

given a concert hall of its very own, the MuTh.<br />

It’s just a few steps from the Baroque Palais Augarten,<br />

where the boys attend boarding school, to the stage.<br />

Huddled up against its Baroque neighbours, the futuristic<br />

building initially appears humble from the<br />

outside. Inside, however, the concert hall is generously<br />

laid-out and intelligently partitioned. In<br />

addition to all those regular appearances by the<br />

Choir, the MuTh (the slightly unusual name is a<br />

mash of the words ‘music’ and ‘theatre’) has quickly<br />

established itself as one of Vienna’s premier venues<br />

for concerts by smaller orchestras and unconventional<br />

productions since its triumphant opening<br />

concert under the leadership of Franz Welser-Möst,<br />

according to current Director Eva Hesse. It is also<br />

home to intense rehearsal sessions, of course – because<br />

it’s never long before the Boys Choir is due to<br />

be hitting the road again. At the end of March they’re<br />

off to Canada for a week, and from the end of April<br />

until June, the schedule of Austria’s youngest ambassadors<br />

includes 22 appearances in Japan.<br />


Elke Hesse<br />

Direktorin des MuTh | Director of the MuTh<br />


Elke Hesse studierte Musik- und<br />

Theaterwissenschaften in Wien,<br />

arbeitete als Schauspielerin, Referentin<br />

von Direktor Hans Gratzer am Theater in<br />

der Josefstadt und war Intendantin der<br />

Festspiele Bad Hersfeld. Seit 2012 ist sie<br />

Direktorin des MuTh.<br />

Elke Hesse studied Musicology and<br />

Dramaturgy in Vienna, before going on<br />

to work as an actress, advisor to<br />

director Hans Gratzer at the Theater in<br />

der Josefstadt, and Artistic Director of<br />

the Bad Hersfeld Festival. She has been<br />

Director of the MuTh since 2012.<br />

Büro im Stadtpalais<br />

Palais Breuner<br />

1010 Wien<br />

Büroräume mit beonderem Flair<br />

(tw. Kamine und Kasettendecken)<br />

Nutzfläche: 439 m 2<br />

Lift, gute Ausstattung<br />

2 Garagenplätze<br />

Was bedeutet der neue Konzertsaal für die Sängerknaben?<br />

Das MuTh ist der Ort, wo die Wiener Sängerknaben in der<br />

Nähe ihres Zuhauses auftreten können. Es haben jetzt viel<br />

mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit, die Sängerknaben auch in<br />

Wien hautnah zu erleben, und nicht nur von ihrem Erfolg im<br />

Ausland zu hören.<br />

Die Konzerte im MuTh gehen natürlich weit über die<br />

Aufführungen der Sängerknaben hinaus. Wie würden<br />

Sie die Linie Ihres Hauses charakterisieren?<br />

So wie die Architektur des Hauses soll auch das Programm<br />

für eine Offenheit stehen, die die klassischen Genres<br />

überwindet. Auf der anderen Seite ist das MuTh natürlich<br />

als erste Bühne für den künstlerischen Nachwuchs<br />

positioniert. Es soll einfach ein buntes Treiben sein in<br />

diesem Haus.<br />

Wie fühlt es sich an, als Frau in einem „Männerverein“<br />

wie den Sängerknaben eine tragende Rolle<br />

zu spielen?<br />

(Lacht) Ich habe ja vorher die Festspiele Bad Hersfeld<br />

geleitet, da war ich auch die erste Frau – insofern ist es für<br />

mich nichts Neues. Aber ich finde es spannend, dass bei den<br />

Wiener Sängerknaben gerade ein ziemlicher Umbruch<br />

stattfindet, und ich fühle mich sehr wohl, dass ich da mit<br />

dabei sein darf.<br />

Ihr persönliches Programmhighlight der laufenden<br />

Saison?<br />

Stolz bin ich, dass Angelika Kirchschlager und Marianne<br />

Sägebrecht bei uns auftreten und Maria Happel die Regie<br />

bei „Der Bettelknabe“ übernommen hat. Das freut mich<br />

sehr!<br />

What does the new concert hall mean for the Boys<br />

Choir?<br />

The MuTh enables the Vienna Boys Choir to perform close<br />

to home – it means that far more people are now getting the<br />

chance to experience the Choir right up close in Vienna,<br />

rather than just hearing reports of their success abroad.<br />

There’s a great deal more to concerts at the MuTh than<br />

just the performances of the Boys Choir, of course.<br />

How would you characterise the venue’s philosophy?<br />

Like the architecture of the building, the programme’s<br />

designed to stand for an openness that goes beyond<br />

classical genres. On the other hand, of course, the MuTh is<br />

positioned as a first stage for the next artistic generation.<br />

It’s just supposed to be filled with noise and life.<br />

How does it feel, as a woman, to be playing a key role in<br />

a ‘men-only association’ like the Boys Choir?<br />

(Laughs) Well, I used to manage the Bad Hersfeld Festival,<br />

and I was the first woman ever to be given the job there<br />

too – so it’s really nothing new to me! But I do find it<br />

exciting that there’s something of a cultural upheaval<br />

taking place at the Vienna Boys Choir at the moment, and<br />

it’s fun to be part of that.<br />

What would be your personal highlight for the current<br />

season?<br />

I’m proud that Angelika Kirchschlager and Marianne<br />

Sägebrecht are appearing with us, and that Maria Happel<br />

has taken over the direction of “Der Bettelknabe”.<br />

I’m enormously happy about that!<br />

98 Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />

Tel.: 02735/2205<br />

Info: Ing. Gerald Türk<br />

www.metternich.at<br />

Cercle Diplomatique 1/2015<br />


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