Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERWhen once this contact with Naam is established,the Sadhak always feels the presence of theHigher Power, and the Power remains foreverwith him wherever he may be — on the snowymountain tops or in the burning desert sands.Reveling in the greatness of that Power he leavesall his cares to Him and becomes indifferent toeverything around him. He cheerfully acceptswhatever comes his way as coming from Himfor his benefit alone. He consciously sees theDivine Will at work and smilingly surrendershimself to it with words of genuine gratitudeon his lips. He has no longer any wishes anddesires of his own except what may be of God.Now he works as a mere instrument moving likean automaton under the influence of that Power.He sees all creatures, high and low, just as tinyspecks set in an orderly harmony in the immenseUniverse surrounding him. He now divines aprocession which is orderly; an order which isharmonious, obeying a Will infinitely above himand yet infinitesimally careful of him. In thisway is established a complete harmony betweenthe soul of man and the soul of the Universe. Atevery step he cries forth, Let thy Will be done:All creatures, the highest to the lowest, areat Thy mercy, and Thou carest for themone and all.Whatever pleaseth Thee, that is best; Nanakhas no other wish but this. 11688

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