Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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THE ESSENTIALS PRAYER DEFINED OF PRAYERNegative Power, and it misses no opportunityto tempt man against God. In daily life we slipat every step. Our best resolves turn into airynothings when temptations assail us. Unaidedwe cannot possibly escape from the cunningwiles, subtle snares and wild clutches of Kal orthe Lord of Time, i.e., the mind. It is only thesaving arm of the Master that can protect us andrid us of <strong>its</strong> terrible onslaughts. But every timethat we fall prey to temptations we must realizeour weakness and sincerely repent for what wehave done.(b) FORGIVENESS. Repentance, though goodin <strong>its</strong>elf, cannot alter the past. Each act of omissionor commission leaves <strong>its</strong> indelible impressupon the mind and singles us out for <strong>its</strong>reaction or fruit. In this way, countless Karmicimpressions go on accumulating day in and dayout, making additions to our Sanchit Karmas (avast storehouse of unfructified actions). Nobodycan escape from this tremendous load which hasa far-reaching effect, extending sometimes tohundreds of lives and over. Is there no remedy,then, to burn away the powder magazine beforeit blows us up? The saints tell us that there is away and a sure one indeed. <strong>Prayer</strong> for forgivenessis a positive weapon in the hands of asinner. There is hope for everybody includingthe sinners. Saints come into the world to savethe sinners and the lost. An association with a27

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