Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERI pray, take me up, O Merciful One, and get meout of the ocean of Sansara by holding myhand. 26O my Beloved, hear how I wander alone in thewilderness!How can I have patience without the Beloved?the Carefree as He is.A wife cannot live without her spouse duringthe long and tortuous nights;I do not get a wink of sleep, I only yearn for mylove, O listen to me.In the absence of the Beloved, none has anysympathy for me, and I cry all alone.Nanak saith: the wife doth get her Beloved ifshe really feels unhappy and is extremelymiserable without him.The Beloved of my life has left me, who is thereto unite me with Him?There is happiness when love unites, for thenthe Word (Mystic Sound) becomes pleasant.When the Word doth become blissful, we getthe right place, with the inner (mystic) lampillumining the body.Hear, my friend, we become really beautiful bysinging the praises of the Supreme Truth.When Satguru united me with the Beloved, Igot the pleasure of His company,And the Divine Word full of nectar made mebuoyant with happiness.142

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