Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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NEED PRAYER FOR DEFINED PRAYERThe way to God’s Grace lies not in striving andcrying. It is enough for man to wait silently asa receptacle for Divine breath which blowethwhere it listeth. It is merely by waiting andtrusting that one arrives at the Ultimate Truth,which cannot be apprehended at all except asit is focused upon the soul of man. Here liesthe advantage of prayer which molds a correctattitude for approach to the Divine Will.Wheresoever I turn my face, Thou art there,Why should I pray to anyone else, when I seeThou art there to listen to my prayer,O Lord. 58GURU ARJANMan’s only duty is to be ever grateful to Godfor His innumerable gifts and blessings. On thecontrary, we become so infatuated by them thatwe not only lose Him, but lose our own self alsoin the plenitude of His bounties and, more oftenthan not, are carried off our feet by the whirlwindof desires.We get attached to the gifts, forgetting thebountiful Lord.For we have forgotten that we have to diesome day. 59GURU ARJAN65

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