Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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THE THREE PRAYER TYPES DEFINED OF PRAYERrequires a great deal of patience and steadfastness,as is necessary in learning music or painting.To start with, the mind has to be trainedand stilled by constant thought of the Master,which works like a goad (the steel rod used byMahouts or elephant drivers for keeping theanimal under control). After offering such aprayer, one must for some time wait for Hisgrace or blessedness, which “descends like agentle dove,” says Christ. With it also comespeace that thrills one throughout from headto foot. Once a person tastes of this, he feels aperfect satiation within himself. The infatuationof the world with <strong>its</strong> wondrous charms falls offlike a discarded and a long-forgotten thing inthe limbo of the past. In the world, he is now nolonger of the world. What a wondrous changeindeed! Some people consider this as the be-alland end-all of spirituality. But this is not thecase. This change in outlook is but a precursor ora harbinger of the advent of the luminous formof the Master and much more thereafter.(iii) Spiritual: For true spirituality, a Sadhakhas yet to wait and watch. As he continues hisSadhna, he occasionally transcends his physicalbody and meets the Master in his self-refulgentform. Thence onward countless vistas of spiritualscenes unfold themselves before his innervision. These are beyond description. While yeta denizen of this world, he gets an access to35

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