Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER B DEFINED — SIMRANlong toward the ocean of life which is <strong>its</strong>perennial source and merges therein losing <strong>its</strong>separate identity.There are no limitations as to time and placefor Simran. It may be done at any time andat any place, sitting or standing, walking, or inbed; but it must be done in a state of consciouswakefulness. Early morning hours (Amrit Vela)is the best time for Simran. A light and frugalnight meal consisting of milk and fru<strong>its</strong> andmorning ablutions are aids in the right direction.Purity of thoughts, words, and deeds goa long way to make a success of the Sadhan(spiritual discipline), for ethical life precedesspiritual life and is, in fact, the very ground onwhich the spiritual structure has to be raised.For a householder, it is very necessary to observestrict discipline in life in matters of diet, drink,and speech. Again Simran must be done slowlyand the Words are to be repeated or thought outwith clarity. The whole process is to be carriedout with love, devotion, and single-mindedattention to ensure quick results. When properlydone for some time, a state of divine intoxicationcomes upon the spirit and blessed calmnessis experienced. All worldly thoughts vanishlike thin air and the spirit feels freed from thebodily tenements and is irresistibly drawnupward by the Unseen Power of the Master.When it thus withdraws from the sensual207

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