Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PREREQUISITES PRAYER DEFINEDPRAYERAgain:Rise up to the level of God,Then alone shalt thou see Him. 48When thou closest the ten outlets of thy body,The Light of God shall shine in thee. 49If therefore thine eye be single, thy wholebody, shall be full of light. 50GURU ARJANCHRISTTrue prayer consists in withdrawing the spiritwithin with a pure mind and fully devotionalattitude. Such a prayer cannot but bear fruit inabundance and in no time.14. Prerequisites in <strong>Prayer</strong>NEED OF GODMAN. As prayer is to beaddressed to someone, it is but necessarythat we must first have a firm belief in theexistence of the Being whom we address. We haveas yet no experience of God, and have thereforeno conception of Him nor of His powers. Ourknowledge of Him, however little it may be, isa secondary one, derived from the study of books,or heard from persons as ignorant of Him as weare. In such a state we can contemplate nothing.But there may be a person who may have a directknowledge of God, and be inwardly in tune with45

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