Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERveritable source of nuisance to him, and withmuch regret he has to retrace his steps. Thestory of the “Golden Touch” is significant in thisconnection. King Midas after much longing andprayer got the boon of converting everythinghe touched into gold. After a few moments ofhappiness he realized his mistake. The food heput into his mouth turned into a lump of gold.The water as it touched his lips solidified intogold. His only daughter as she came runningand embraced him became a statue of gold. Ashe went to the soft bed he found himself on hardmetallic cushions.God or Godman knows best. Our past andfuture are like an open book to Him. He wouldnever grant such prayers as are ultimately banefulto us. How can the loving Father give to achild that which might prove a poison to him?A Persian poet says:My God is more anxious than myself tofulfill my needs.All my endeavors in this behalf are buttortuous deeds.One should pray to God for such gifts as He mayconsider beneficial.O God, I know not what is good for me, for Iam immersed head and ears in the maze ofthe world. 56RAVIDAS62

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