Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERNext, the Satguru or the True Master pointsout the way to the Kingdom of God. He tells usthat the Divine Music comprised of five strainsor melodies is always going on in the body.This continuous symphony is the connectinglink between the Creation and the Creator. Itis the ladder which the soul has to climb stepby step in <strong>its</strong> onward journey to the Kingdomof God. This Music is most melodious, thelike of which cannot be found on Earth. It hasimmense attraction and an irresistible appealin it. The different melodies begin fromSahas dal Kanwal (the region of the thousandpetaled lotus) and reach as far as Sach Khand.The Master Soul gives a contact to the humansoul at the lowest end of the Musical notes,besides some experience of the withdrawalof the sensory current from the body, both ofwhich have to be developed by daily practice.The Satguru comes into the world withthe treasure of Naam. The Muslims call it theNada-i-Asmani (heavenly music) and Christiansdescribe it as “Word.” The treasure of Naam isnot the heritage of this or that particular nationor community, nor of any particular country,nor of any religion, caste, or creed. Again,this treasure is freely distributed by a MasterSoul to all, irrespective of any of the aboveconsiderations. An aspirant may be a Brahminor Kshatriya, a Hindu or a Muslim, or anything186

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