Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERImploring the Unequaled Boon of NaamSatguru, I have come to Thy feet:Give me the bliss of Naam for Divine honor andfree me from all anxieties.1 cannot think of any other place of rest, and asa last resort, I am at Thy door,Whether I deserve it or not, O save me as Thouwilt, for merit I have none.Thou art ever forgiving, ever kind andsustaineth all,Nanak hath taken his refuge with the Saints:kindly protect him this time. 32I get real life from a vision of Thy Divine Face,and feel myself fortunate indeed,Hear this prayer of mine, my Lord:Make me Thy disciple and give me the gift ofNaam,And keep me under Thy protection, myBenevolent Lord:It is only the rare few who appreciate theGuru’s Grace,Hear my appeal, my Lord and Friend:Let Thy lotus feet abide in my heart.Nanak makes but one request:Do not slip away from my remembrance,O Thou, the Ocean of All-Goodness. 33O Lord! be kind and grant that we may singThy praises.146

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