Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERsoul experiences when it comes in contact withthat Power. He sees the Light of God and hearssweet symphonies of the rapturous strains ofthe Sound Current going on within which gives<strong>its</strong> sweetness very sublime and ineffable, sosweet that no words can convey.Farid, a Muslim Saint, says: “O Lord, there areso many sweet things in the world such as honey,buffalo milk, sugar; but the sweetness thatYour Name conveys, O Lord, is far sweeter thanall these.” It is a subject to be done practicallyand tasted by the individual self. It is not amatter of routine only, nor of mere talking. Itis a matter to be experienced by contact within.Those who have tasted the sweet elixir of ithave talked about it in glowing terms.Once Guru Nanak met Babar, the greatKing of India, who was taking an intoxicant.He offered it to Guru Nanak who told him,“Babar, this drug that you are taking loses <strong>its</strong>intoxication, but the intoxication I have bycontacting the Word of God is everlasting andcannot be diminished.” So it is an interestingsubject. Those who have once tasted a bit of itcan never forget it. All the world’s enjoymentsand other things lose their weight and value intheir own eyes.Constant remembrance of the Lord furthergives a wakefulness to the man who is engaged228

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