Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYEROnce this relationship of Master and disciple isestablished, the latter becomes fully dependentupon him. The acceptance of the disciple by theMaster means acceptance of the entire responsibilityof his Karmic debt or burden, includingPrarabdh (fate or destiny), Kriyaman (actions ordeeds performed from day to day), and SanchitKarmas (the storehouse of unfructified karmicimpressions). Like an official liquidator, it is nowhis job to liquidate the debts of the disciple, windthem up and free him from them so as to put himon his feet again for the second birth leading tothe life of the spirit.We are now of the Master, a bond-slave untoHim,O Nanak! with the relationship of Masterand servant, save us now. 159GURU RAM DASI long for an eternal friend,Ever true, from end to end. 160GURU ARJANI pray to the Satguru to lead me to theFriend,By meeting whom, peace descends and deathvanishes. 161GURU NANAK104

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