Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERThou art the only stake of my life and honor,I depend on naught else. 88Great is the Lord, boundless, infinite andineffable,O Nanak! He is the Savior of all who takerefuge in Him. 89I pray to Thee, O Lord! of body, mind andsoul,O Nanak! it is His greatness else none knewme before. 90Thou alone art the Doer of all things,To whom then should we offer prayers. 91GURU ARJANGURU NANAKHelpless are we and Merciful art Thou,What can we, the sinners, say unto Thee.In spite of our broken words of no meaning,Accept us and grant us the gift ofperfection. 92Thou art the woof and warp of my veryexistence,I, therefore, pray unto Thee alone.1 have no other place to turn to for worship,I place all my comforts and discomfortsbefore Thee. 93RAVIDAS80

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