Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYER PRAYER INSTINCTIVE DEFINEDMANTruth was in the beginning of Creation,Truth has been the beginning of each Age,and Truth shall ever remain when all agesand creations pass away.JAP Ji2. <strong>Prayer</strong>: Instinctive in ManPRAYER is instinctive with man and no one cando without prayer at one stage or another,whatever form it may take. The faithful and thefaithless, a Momin and a Kafir, a man of God and aman who has no belief in God, all pray, each oneof course in his own particular way. The need forprayer generally arises when one finds himselfin distress, in calamity, or in the grip of somedevastating disease, or when he desires satisfactionof some unusual physical and spiritual needwhich he cannot otherwise fulfill, or when hewants to combat forces of adversity or darkness.In such circumstances, he feels that by his ownunaided efforts he cannot secure satisfaction of hiswants, and in utter helplessness he seeks strengthin prayer. In everyday life we see a student seekingthe aid of a teacher in the solution of somedifficult problems, a patient in illness that of aphysician, an employee that of his employer andso on. All these are prayers in varying degreesand forms. Again, for the satisfaction of his dailyneeds, a child looks up to his parents, a wife toher husband, etc.7

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