Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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WHAT PRAYER TO TO ASK DEFINED FROM OF GODMy Lord, the Creator, is the Ocean of allgoodness,Who can adequately praise Him?Saints pray for the gift of the highest bliss ofNaam. 134GURU ARJANWe are but humble mendicants and beggars,Thou art the Protector of our honor,Be kind and give us the alms of Thy Naam,so that we may remain always intoxicatedin Thy love. 135GURU AMAR DASO Lord! take us under the shadow of Thyprotecting wings,We are unable to do anything on our own,Graciously give us Thy Naam. 136O my Divine Friend, grant that I may everyday make an effort to think only of Theeall the time,O give me a contact with Shabd — the Breadof life. 137The company of Saints dyes us with HisNaam and all our desires are fulfilled,Nanak prays for Thy Mercy and Thy Graceand that we may remain absorbed in thesweet memory of Thy lotus feet. 138 GURU ARJAN95

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