Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER B DEFINED — SIMRANElixir of Life) within. A cup turned upside downmay for ages remain in the rain, but not a dropwill fall into it. But if it is turned aright, it willget filled up in one or two showers. Exactly isit the case with the soul. As soon as the MasterSoul gives her a contact with the life-givingSound Current, by turning it aright through thewithdrawal of the sensory current, the lotuslikecup of the spirit gets more and more waterof Immortality until she gets drenched throughand through and is saved forever.Mind, you know, is ever after pleasures ofone kind or another. But the pleasures of thisworld are all transitory and have always somesting at the bottom. “Our sincerest laughterwith some pain is fraught,” says an Englishpoet.This renegade of the mind can only besubdued if some internal pleasure of rapturousstrains of the Divine Music — theWord — is given to it in lieu of the externalone. When mind tastes the sweet Elixir,it is diverted from the worldly enjoyments andis subdued. The soul becomes free. This is theonly remedy by which the sages controlled themind. It held good in all ages — the Golden,the Silver and the Copper, and holds good eventoday in Kali Yuga or the Iron Age. The Sat iseternal. It was in the beginning. It was in themiddle, and it shall ever remain until Eternity.191

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