Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERby the soul in her deepest depths, when layer bylayer the various sheaths or coverings (physicalor gross, mental or subtle, and causal)are shaken off from the soul in her onwardjourney to the various Lokas or regions: thesun, the moon, the stars, of spir<strong>its</strong> (Pithrian), ofDeities (Devian), etc. At each stage, the Musicbecomes more enrapturing than before, untilin Par Brahm (beyond the three Lokas) the soulbecomes self-luminous in her pristine glory; thenthe Music, too, becomes exceedingly charming,in full swell with unending continuity. Thisis the Ajapa Jap going on at all times in anUnspoken Language. As the soul hears it shegets magnetized, with the result that the mindwith <strong>its</strong> outgoing faculties is paralyzed for wantof the inspiration it is used to drawing from theSpirit, and gradually it loses <strong>its</strong> hold of her. Thehigh-born maiden (being a drop of the oceanof Sat Nam) is freed from <strong>its</strong> clutches and nowmoves on unhampered.”It is, of course, impossible to describe thesublime symphonies in so many words, asthey are past description for want of adequateexpression.At present every soul has, on account ofconstant association with mind, acquired atendency to flow downward and outwardthrough the outgoing faculties. It is because ofthis that she cannot catch the Sound Current (the190

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