Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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PRAYERin Christ”; and when it actually takes place, onewould like St. Paul say, “It is not I but Christspeaks in me. The principle of engrafted lifeworks alike in plants as well as in man and isin accord with the laws of <strong>Nature</strong>.Hazrat Baziad Bustanvi, a man of extremepiety and devotion, once looked within himselfand found nothing but God. In a stateof divine intoxication he exclaimed, “I amGod!” His disciples, unused to hearing suchapparently sacrilegious words, wondered whathad happened to the Pir (Master). After sometime, when the Master had come down fromthe super-conscious state, they inquired of himwhy he had exclaimed that he was God whichwas quite contrary to his usual instructionsto them (that God could not come into ahuman body). The Master told them that theexpression “I am God” was not uttered by him,but by someone else (he could according to theKoranic Law be condemned as a heretic foruttering such blasphemous words). After sometime, this Hazrat was once again seized by afit of God intoxication and began to exclaim, “Iam God.” This time some of his disciples camedown upon their Master with staves, spears, andswords. In the Maulana Masnavi, by MaulanaRumi (the original poetical narrative in thisbehalf), it is stated that whoever aimed a blowat the Master’s head, hands, or legs got his own218

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