Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER B DEFINED — SIMRANNanak replied: “The human body is a temple ofGod, and it is by turning within that we meetGod. There is a way from this house of thebody to another house within (the Nij Ghar orSach Khand) which is the Real House and herethe soul finds everlasting peace. The humanbody is just like a rented house, given to ustemporarily (i.e., allotted span of life) until, inthe meanwhile, the soul is wise enough to gainaccess to her permanent abode of everlastingbliss. Now, the Real and True Master is onewho can show us the way out to the Kingdomof God within this body and can lead the soulfrom stage to stage until the kingdom is gainedand the soul comes into her own.”The human body, like any other physicalthing, is subject to decay and disintegration.Even this world suffers dissolution. But SachKhand or the Kingdom of God alone is indestructibleand eternal. The process of Dissolutionworks up to the realm of the Triloki or threeworlds (physical, astral and causal planes) andthat of Grand Dissolution up to the subtlest of thecausal planes; but it cannot reach Sach Khand, orSat Lok, or Mukam-i-Haq as the Mohammedanscall it (New Jerusalem of the Christians), for itis the veritable Kingdom of God, as spoken ofby Christ. The Saints have, therefore, set SachKhand as their goal, which is beyond the ken ofDissolution and Grand Dissolution.185

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