Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER B DEFINED — SIMRANLight is the very life of the moth. He lovesit so passionately that he does not hesitate tosinge himself to death rather than to avoid it.Kabir Sahib therefore says that we must loveSimran as the very breath of our life whetherrich or poor, healthy or sick, awake or asleepand like a moth be ever ready to sacrifice ourvery self in our devotion to our ideal.Again He says: “Lose yourself in the sweetremembrance as the insect doth bhirangi, whofor sooth loses <strong>its</strong>elf to rise bhirangi like.”Bhirangi (an insect) after almost killing akeet (another insect) revivifies the latter to lifeby bestowing <strong>its</strong> powerful attention to it. Thekeet when charmed back to life is no longer akeet, but becomes a bhirangi-being saturatedwith the life impulse of the latter. In just thesame way Kabir says that one who does Simranand gets firmly engrafted therein will have newbirth and a new life quite distinct from the oldsensual life he has been living hitherto.This is the “second birth” of which all theSaints speak. Christ says, “Unless you losethis life you cannot have life everlasting.”“Except a man be born of water (first birth)and of the Spirit (second birth) he cannot enterthe Kingdom of God.” “The first birth was ofcorruptible seed, and the second shall be ofseed incorruptible.” This may be called “birth217

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