Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER A — SPECIMEN DEFINEDPRAYERSNanak says: a wife can have true happiness,when the Beloved is also fond of her;Though forgetful of Thee, we are still Thineown, O Lord!Even if I commit mistakes, still I have the proudprivilege to belong to Thee.He whose mind has gone elsewhere, will surelydie from the very regret of having done so.How can I leave the side of my Beloved, when Isee that He is the Sustainer of my soul?Thou art my friend and relation, and I amhighly proud of Thee.When Thou art in, I am happy and feel that mypoor self is honored.Now that Thou hast been so kind to me,Pray let me not look anywhere else, andLet me keep the gift of Thy remembrance everlocked in my heart.I will walk down leagues to have Thy Darshan(a love glance),I will love to hear Thy stories should it pleaseThee and the Satguru.Millions of suns and moons cannot equal theglory of Thy one hair;Thou art the greatest of the Great: theIndescribable and the Ineffable.I cannot praise Thee sufficiently: Thy friendsrun into millions and all superior to me.Just bestow one Gracious Look on me, and Iwill be the happiest creature.143

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