Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh

Prayer, its Nature & Technique - Kirpal Singh


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APPENDIX PRAYER B DEFINED — SIMRANa single moment. As it is altogether a mentalprocess (for it is to be done by the tongue ofthought), no amount of physical and manuallabor can interfere with it. In course of time,like the tick of a clock, it becomes automaticand ceaseless for all the twenty-four hours.While the hands are engaged in work, the mindrests in the Lord.I now give you some details of recipesprescribed for doing Simran or repetition of theName of God.All persons are engaged in the doing ofSimran in one form or another. Some do Simranby means of a beaded string called a rosary.In this type of Simran one cannot maintainundivided attention, for while doing it onehas to roll off the beads with his fingers andreverse the head-knot on completion of eachround of the rosary. In this way one cannothave single-minded devotion, without whichthere can be no gain. By constant practice thefingers automatically roll over the beads whilethe unbridled mind keeps wandering astray.This is why Master Souls always lay emphasison mental Simran or one that is done withthe tongue of thought. For Simran done withconcentrated attention alone is beneficial.Again, there are persons who do Simranwith their tongue. This type of Simran, too, is197

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