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506 INDEXFebris quintana, 294Fevers, tick, 479Field mouse (see MicrotU8 mon.tt/belli)Filaria bancrofti (noctw-na), human nematode,69, 70, 71, 80, 81, 82, 93, 261,479 .cYP8eli, nematode, 7il, 86, 91demarquaii (see F. demarquayi)demarquayi, nematode, 80, 93, Sl6Sl, 480diurna (see Filaria (Loa) lea)ephemeridarwm, nematode, 7S, S7gallinarum, fowl nematode, 68, 87, 96,486geotrupill, nematode, 77, 85grall8ii (see Acanthocheilcmema)immitill (see DirofllaTia) .juneea, nematode, 71labfuto-papilloaa (see Setaria)loa (see Filaria (Loa) lea)(Loa) loa, human nematode, 71, 81, 93,95, 2Sl0, 480martill, rodent nematode, 73, 88nocturna (see F. bancrofti)ozzardi, nematode, 71pflrBtana (see Accmthocheilonema)phtlippine'1Ul1ia, human nematode, 72, 89quadri8pina (see F. martill)rytipleuriteB Deslongchamps, nematode,6Sl, 91rytiplmtriti8 De Magalhaes, nematode,78, 88Banguilllia hominill, nematode, 93BtomozeoB, nematode, 7S, S9tucwmana, human nematode, 72, SO, 90FilariaSis, 4S, 69, 70, 71, 7'ft, 261, 26!i!canine, 261, 479human, 290, 4078, 480Filariidae,. 220, 261, 26fl, 351Finch, fl59Fish,2811Five day fever, 294Flea abundance, 3b6, 361bite treatment, 370, 371, 373control,367-371trapping, 869, 810Flea-borne diseases, 350-859Fleas (see also A phaniptera ), 850-373Flesh fly (see Wohlfahrtia magniflca)Flies (see Diptera)bloodsucking, 208-285FlIes, non-biting, 105-208Flies in Egypt, 450, 451, 452Floor maggot (see AuchmeromY'iD. luteola)Flower vases, 28>1Flukes (see Trematoda)Fly attack, avoidance, 203baits, 164, 002control, 158-114paper, 164poisons, 202repellents, 165sprays, 164traps, 162, 163, 178, fl09Folliculitis, 290Fomaria IJirgi'1llienaill, myriapod, 54, 55, 88,495Food protection, 89, 40, 41, Sl06Foot-and-mouth disease, 180, 480Forcipomyia to'WnBendi, midge, 219, 497utae, midge, 219, 2114, 497Forficula auricularia, earwig, 55Fountains, drinking, Sl82Fowl (see also chicken), 866lice, 889-843nematode (see Acuaria BpiraliB)nematode (see Filaria gallinarum)tapeworm (see Ohoanotaenia i""fundibulitm)tapeworm (see Da1Iamea ceBticillm)tapeworm (see Da1Iainea t6tragona)tapeworm (see Hymenolepis carioca)tick (see Argaa perBiCU8)trypanosomiasis, 218Fox (see also Vulp6B "IIulp6B atlantica),405Frenzy caused by insects, 20, 21Frog flukes, 59Fumigation, 3>14, 3S0Ji'unambulm pennatii, palm squirrel, iJ97.475F'Ilndulull chrysOtUII, flsh, 28S1diaphanuB, fish, 2SSId,iBpar, fish, iJ82majali8, fish, 289notatuB, fish, 282flottti, fish, 28S1'imilill, fish, 98gFungi, 107-115, Sl09, 210, 211, 249, 2S9,fl90, 350, 851, 383, 387, 39>!, 393Furunculosis, 290, 411, 480Gall sickness, bovine, 218, 480GambUBia alftni8, top minnow, 282GamocyBtiB tenaal, gregarine, 388Gangrene, 480gas, 109, 1I5Garbage, 31, 89, 40, 41, '160, 2051, 2851Garments, louse-proof, 328Gastroenteritis, 115GfUltrophilm haemorrhoidaliB, horse nosefiy, 188, 190, 196, 205, 484intestlnaliB, horse bot, 182, 188, 184, 185,190, 191, 205, 484'nfUlaliB, horse chin fly, 190, fl05, 484GedoelBtia spp., flIes, 195Goophilull carpophagUII, centiipede, 466, 490cephaliooB, centipede, 466, 490eloctricU8, centipede, 466, 490s£miliB, centipede, 465, 466, 488, 490Geotrupo8 douei, beetle, 61, 63, 64, 85, 486BtercorariU8, beetle, 78,.85Gerbillua ·indicUB, jerboa, 296, 414GfurcUa mte8tinaliB, protozoan, lI1, 478Gigantorhynchid .. e, 389GiroBtigma spp., flies, 193Glanders, 211GlCllUcidiium fWctuao, owl, il49, 250, 251, 475GlamorU limblltll, myriapod, 57, 58

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