Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int


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4. Parasitology 117Rapid Field stain <strong>for</strong> faecal trophozoitesMaterials and reagents● Microscope● Microscope slides● Slide rack● Field stain (reagent no. 25):— Field stain A (undiluted)— Field stain B (diluted one part <strong>of</strong> stain in four parts <strong>of</strong> distilled water)● Sodium chloride, 0.85% solution (reagent no. 53)●Methanol.Method1. Prepare a thin faecal smear in sodium chloride solution on a clean slide.2. Once the smear is dry, fix it by covering the slide with methanol <strong>for</strong> 3minutes.3. Tip <strong>of</strong>f the methanol.4. Pipette 1ml <strong>of</strong> diluted Field stain B onto the slide, followed by 1ml <strong>of</strong>undiluted Field stain A.5. Mix well by tilting the slide and allow to stain <strong>for</strong> 1 minute.6. Wash the slide in water and allow it to air-dry.7. Examine the slide using the ¥100 oil-immersion objective. Scan the smear,particularly around the edges.The cytoplasm and flagella <strong>of</strong> trophozoites <strong>of</strong> Giardia <strong>int</strong>estinalis stain blueand their nuclei stain red. Cysts <strong>of</strong> G. <strong>int</strong>estinalis also stain blue and theirnuclei stain red.Note:●●●●Leave freshly prepared stains <strong>for</strong> 3 days be<strong>for</strong>e use.Use rainwater to prepare the stains if the local well-water supply is too salty.Cover the jars containing the staining solutions to prevent evaporation andabsorption <strong>of</strong> dust.Avoid carrying over one staining solution to another.Fig. 4.23 Balantidium coli trophozoiteEosin stain <strong>for</strong> faecal trophozoites and cystsMaterials and reagents●●●●MicroscopeMicroscope slidesSlide rackCoverslips● Eosin, 1% solution (reagent no. 23).Method1. Emulsify a small portion <strong>of</strong> stool in 1% eosin solution on a clean slide. Spreadover an area <strong>of</strong> approximately 2cm ¥ 1cm.2. Put a coverslip on the slide and place it on the microscope stage.3. Use the ¥10 objective to examine the smear systematically <strong>for</strong> unstainedtrophozoites and cysts. Examine in more detail with the ¥40 objective.

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