Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int


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4. Parasitology 157differentiated from larvae <strong>of</strong> Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (hookworm),which may also hatch in stools 12–24 hours after passage. The appearance<strong>of</strong> filari<strong>for</strong>m larvae <strong>of</strong> S. stercoralis may indicate a systemic hyperinfection.The genital primordium will be more visible in preparations stained with iodine.The iodine kills the larvae and makes the features easier to see. You will need to usethe ¥ 40 objective to see these structures.●If you see a larva with a short mouth opening and a prominent (clearly visible)genital primordium, it is S. stercoralis.● If you see a larva with a long mouth opening and do not see a genital primordium,it is A. duodenale or N. americanus.The main distinguishing features <strong>of</strong> S. stercoralis and A. duodenale or N. americanuslarvae are summarized in Table 4.6 and illustrated in Fig. Chemical test <strong>for</strong> occult blood in stoolsThis test is used <strong>for</strong> screening <strong>for</strong> parasitic infection, <strong>for</strong> example <strong>int</strong>estinal schistosomiasis,or <strong>for</strong> detection <strong>of</strong> bleeding in the <strong>int</strong>estine caused by polyps, tumoursor inflammation. It was originally developed using benzidine. However, theuse <strong>of</strong> benzidine is no longer recommended because it has been shown to becarcinogenic.Note: For 1 day be<strong>for</strong>e the examination, the patient should not:— eat any meat;— take any drugs containing iron compounds;— brush his or her teeth vigorously.4.6.1 PrincipleOxygen is produced when the haemoglobin in blood comes <strong>int</strong>o contact with hydrogenperoxide. The liberated oxygen reacts with aminopyrine (aminophenazone)to yield a blue colour.4.6.2 Materials and reagents●●CentrifugeConical centrifuge tubeTable 4.6 Characteristics <strong>of</strong> larvae <strong>of</strong> Strongyloides stercoralis andAncylostoma duodenale or Necator americanusLarval stage S. stercoralis A. duodenale or N. americanusRhabditi<strong>for</strong>m Buccal cavity short (4 mm) Buccal cavity long (15 mm)Oesophagus one-third <strong>of</strong> body Oesophagus one-third <strong>of</strong> bodylength with 2 swellingslength with 2 swellingsGenital primordium large (22 mm) Genital primordium small (7 mm)Anal pore 50 mm from posterior Anal pore 80 mm from posteriorendendFilari<strong>for</strong>m Size 200–500 mm ¥ 15–20 mm Size 200–500 mm ¥ 14–20 mmUnsheathedSheathedTail <strong>for</strong>ked or bluntTail taperedOesophagus half <strong>of</strong> body length Oesophagus one-third <strong>of</strong> bodywith no swellinglength with no swelling

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