Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int


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Index 383Thiomersal–iodine–<strong>for</strong>maldehyde(TIF) 109, 110, 365–366Thiosemicarbazide, blood ureaconcentrations 325–327Threadworm, see PinwormThroat specimens 92, 206–209,208–209Thrombocytes 266, 266deficiency 298number concentration 7, 321TIF, see Thiomersal–iodine–<strong>for</strong>maldehydeTimers 35Tinea infection 225–226, 226o-Toluidine reagent 322–325, 323–324,358Tongue depressors 36Toolselectrical repairs 17, 17<strong>laboratory</strong> 38plumbing 20, 20Tourniquets, blood collection 268, 268Toxoplasma gondii 124Traditional system, measurement 5–7Trans<strong>for</strong>mers, electrical 17TransmissionAfrican trypanosomiasis 183blood/skin parasites 160Chagas disease 193<strong>int</strong>estinal parasites 106leishmaniasis 194Transportbiological specimens 91–96, 93–94lead batteries 14specimens, see DispatchTransport media 263–264Amies 352–353buffered glycerol saline 218Cary–Blair 216–217, 354Stuart 207, 209, 264, 264, 365Treponemapallidum 209–210, 346–349pertenue 210–211Trichloroacetic acid 322–323, 353, 358,366Trichomonashominis 115, 116vaginalis 215, 249Trichostrongylus spp. 106, 128, 144,144Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) 106adults 150, 150eggs 126, 128, 144, 144, 152Triple phosphate crystals, urine 245,246Trisodium citrate 366Trophozoites 111–117, 111–118amoebae 113–114, 113–115ciliates 116, 117flagellates 115–116, 115–116staining methods 117–118urine specimens 240, 249Trypanosoma spp. 159, 182–194, 185,187, 193CSF 259–260, 260Trypanosomiasis (see also Trypanosomaspp.) 161, 295African 183–192, 184–187Chagas disease 192–194, 193Tubercle bacilli 253, 253Tuberculosis 197, 295Tuberculous meningitis 257, 259CSF examination 263Ziehl–Neelsen staining 261Tubes (see also Test-tubes)centrifuge 72, 72glass 33, 34, 37, 39–40, 39–42Westergren 37Turbidimetry, immunology 335Türk solution 366Type number fraction, leukocyte 6, 259,319, 319–320Typhoid fever 291, 320Units, SI 2–7Urates, urine 246, 246, 247, 247Urea 7, 325–327Urea reagents 325, 366–367Uric acid crystals, urine 245, 245Urinedisinfection 84neutral 245–246, 248Urine specimens 231–254, 235–236,239–248, 250–253abnormalities detection 241–248,241–248analysis register 47, 49bacteriological examination 251–254,252–253blood 234, 241–242, 241–242casts 243–244, 243–244cells 241–243, 241–243containers 44, 82crystals 236, 245–248, 245–248dispatch 93<strong>for</strong>eign substances 244–245, 245glucose detection 236, 236b-hCG determination 339ketone bodies 239–240, 239–240pH measurement 235, 235–236preservation 234protein detection 236–239Schistosoma haematobium 248, 248,249–251, 250–251Urogenital specimensgonorrhoea 207–208, 208syphilis 209–210, 210vaginal discharge 215–216Vacuum pumps 79, 79Vaginal discharge specimens215–216Vectors (see also Transmission)common filarial parasites 165

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