Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int


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380 IndexReference ranges (continued)blood urea concentrations 327erythrocytes 284, 287ESR 293–294leukocytes 291, 320normal haemoglobin 275reticulocytes 318thrombocytes 321Reference solutions, haemoglobin272–273, 272–273Refrigerators 32Registers (see also Records)specimens 47–51Renal cells, urine 242–243, 242–243Renal disease 236Repairs (see also Ma<strong>int</strong>enance)electrical equipment 17–19, 17–20microscopes 65plumbing 20–23, 20–23Reports, <strong>laboratory</strong> 38, 47–48, 52, 251,253Resolving power, microscopes 55Responsibilities, <strong>laboratory</strong> workers 2Results, reporting 47–48, 52, 251, 253Reticulocytes 6, 310, 310, 316–319, 317Reusable needles 81, 87, 87Reusable syringes 81, 81, 87, 87Rheumatoid factors, determination 336,336Ringworm 225–226, 226Romanowsky stains 265, 299Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) 106adults 146, 147eggs 126, 127–128, 133, 133, 152RPR, see Rapid plasma reaginSafety (see also Precautions)electricity 19–20in the <strong>laboratory</strong> 97pressure cookers 89Safety bulbs, rubber 35Safranine solution 363Sand filters 24, 24Sanitation, plumbing 20–23, 20–23Saponin 363–364Scale readers, erythrocyte volumefraction 280–281Scalpels 36Schaudinn fixative, modified 362Schistocytes 308, 308Schistosomaeggs 128, 140–141, 140–143haematobium 248, 248, 249–251,250–251mansoni 141–143, 142–143spp. (blood flukes) 108, 150–151, 151Schistosomiasis (see alsoSchistosoma) 320urine detection 234, 240, 248, 248,249–251, 250–251Sedimentation rate, erythrocytes(ESR) 292–295, 293–294Sedimentation <strong>techniques</strong> 153–157,154–156, 250Semen specimens 211–215, 212–214Serological testsAfrican trypanosomiasis 188–192,189–192registers 47, 51Serumglucose concentration 325plasma comparison 266Sharps containers 96Shocks, electric 101SI units (International System <strong>of</strong>Units) 2–7, 271Sickle-cell anaemia 292, 307, 307–308,310test 314–316, 315Silver nitrate 364Sink traps, plumbing 22–23, 22–23Sizes, helm<strong>int</strong>h eggs 132Skinacid/alkali splashes on 98, 100disinfection 84Skin specimens (see also Slit skinspecimens)dispatch 93fungal infections 225–229, 226,228–229Mycobacterium leprae 220–224,221–223parasites 159–163, 161–163, 195–196,196Sleeping sickness, see AfricantrypanosomiasisSlide preparation (see also Thick bloodfilms; Thin blood films) 198–201,198–204, 204anthrax diagnosis 220body cavity fluids 218–219erythrocytes 305–310, 306–310fungal infections 225–226, 226,228–229, 229gonorrhoea diagnosis 208leprosy diagnosis 222–224, 223malaria diagnosis 173–179, 175–176semen specimens 212sputum/throat specimens 206syphilis diagnosis 210urine specimens 252, 252vaginal discharge specimens 215Slidescleaning 79–80, 80supplies 37Slit skin specimenscutaneous leishmaniasis 195–196,196leprosy 221–222, 222Onchocerca 161–162, 161–162SmearsCSF 259, 260–261, 260–261faecal 141–143, 142–143Mycobacterium leprae 220–225, 223

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