Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int

Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory - libdoc.who.int


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84 <strong>Manual</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>basic</strong> <strong>techniques</strong> <strong>for</strong> a <strong>health</strong> <strong>laboratory</strong>Table 3.1 Commonly used disinfectantsIntended object <strong>of</strong> Disinfectant Recommended Minimum Stock preparation <strong>of</strong>disinfection dilution <strong>for</strong> duration <strong>of</strong> disinfectantdisinfection (v/v) treatmentBlood Cresol, 5% solution 2 : 1 6 h crystals or liquidCalcium hypochlorite solution (1% 2 : 1 6 h powderavailable chlorine)Stool Cresol, 5% solution 2 : 1 6 h crystals or liquidCalcium or sodium hypochlorite solution 3 : 1 6 h powder(1% available chlorine)Calcium hydroxide, 20% solution 2 : 1 6 h powderChloramine (4% available chlorine) undiluted 6 h powderUrine Cresol, 5% solution 1 : 1 4 h crystals or liquidSputum Cresol, 5% solution 1 : 1 4 h crystals or liquidSkin Cresol, 50% solution undiluted 2 min 50% cresol in soap solutionEthanol, 80% solution undiluted 2 min 95% solutionIodine, 1% solution undiluted 2 min 5% solutionPolyvidone iodine, 1% solution undiluted 2 min pureIsopropanol, 70% solution undiluted 2 min puren-Propanol, 60% solution undiluted 2 min pureChloramine (1% available chlorine) undiluted 2 min powderQuaternary ammonium compounds undiluted 2 min solutionDrinking- Chloramine, 0.25% solution undiluted 16 min powderwaterWork benches Cresol, 50% solution undiluted 4 h 50% cresol in soap solutionCresol, 5% solution undiluted 4 h crystals or liquidChloramine (5% available chlorine) undiluted 4 h powderSodium hypochlorite (1% available undiluted 4 h powderchlorine)Laboratory Sodium hypochlorite (0.1% available undiluted 4 h 5%, 10%, 15% solutioninstruments a chlorine)Glassware Sodium hypochlorite (1% available undiluted 12 h 5%, 10%, 15% solutionchlorine)aChemical disinfection <strong>for</strong> skin-cutting and invasive instruments should be employed only as the last resort, if neither sterilization nor highleveldisinfection by boiling is possible, and then only if the appropriate concentration <strong>of</strong> the chemical is available and if the instrumentshave been thoroughly cleaned to remove gross contamination be<strong>for</strong>e soaking in the chemical disinfectant.exposure <strong>of</strong> material to phenol solution must be longer than <strong>for</strong> cresol. Phenol andcresol solutions cause irritation <strong>of</strong> the skin and eyes.Sodium and calcium hypochloriteSodium and calcium hypochlorite solutions (household bleaches) are very strongdisinfectants. They are used in a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>laboratory</strong>, household and industrialapplications. Hypochlorites are rapidly inactivated by particles <strong>of</strong> dust and organicmaterials and must be freshly prepared from stock solutions every day. Hypochloritescause irritation <strong>of</strong> the skin, eyes and lungs.Strong, undiluted solutions should contain 10% available chlorine.For preparing working dilutions, the following dilutions are recommended:● For jars and containers in which used pipettes, slides or other glassware arediscarded and <strong>for</strong> swabbing bench surfaces: 10ml <strong>of</strong> concentrated hypochloritesolution in 990ml <strong>of</strong> water (0.1% available chlorine). Place the used glassware<strong>int</strong>o the jars <strong>of</strong> hypochlorite solution and leave <strong>for</strong> at least 12 hours. Do notoverfill the containers. Change the containers daily.

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