11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesCollege of Graduate andProfessional StudiesPSy 5635 Ethics and the LawPrerequisite: PSY 5230; Corequisite: PSY 5231PSy 9000 Child Abuse Assessment, Reporting & TreatmentWorkshop (0)Prerequisite: PSY 5635PSy 9001 Diversity Awareness Workshop (0)Total Phase I Course Work (36)Phase IIPSy 5154PSy 5179PSy 5304PSy 5310PSy 5404Couple erapyPrerequisite: PSY 5304, Corequisite; PSY 5249 or 5260Family Treatment of AddictionChild, Adolescent and Family erapy: Assessmentand Treatment BPrerequisite: PSY 5303 with same instructorGroup erapyPrerequisite: Phase IDiagnosis and Assessment of Psychopathology BPrerequisite: PSY 5403 with same instructorPSy 5434 Family violence (2)Prerequisite: PSY 5635PSy 5613 Human Sexuality (2)Prerequisite: Phase IPSy 5620Multicultural CompetencePrerequisite: PSY 9001PSy 9007 Introduction to School Based Counseling Program (0)PSy 9090 Written Master’s Examination (0)Prerequisite: PSY 9000, 5154, 5304, 5434, 5404, 5620,5250 or 5261Select from the following course sequences: (6)PSy 5249-51 Field Practicum A-C -External (2/2/2)Prerequisites: PSY 5635, 5080ORPSy 5260-62 Field Practicum A-C -Internal (2/2/2)Prerequisites: PSY 5635, 5080Total Phase II Course Work and Practicum (28)Phase IIISelect TWO of the following 5120 courses categories C, F, or I(6 units):PSy 5120C Specific eories of Change: Child erapyPrerequisite: PSY 5251 or 5262PSy 5120F Specific eories of Change: Family erapyPrerequisite: PSY 5251 or 5262PSy 5120I Specific eories of Change: Individual erapyPrerequisite: PSY 5251 or 5262PSy 5252 Field Practicum D - External (2)ORPSy 5263 Field Practicum D - Internal (2)PSy 5436 Crisis and TraumaPSy 9008 Aging & Long Term Care Workshop- Internal (0)PSy 9010 Issues with HIv and AIDS (0)PSy 9075 Personal Psychotherapy (0)PSy 9091 Oral Examination (0)Prerequisite: PSY 5252 or 5263, Passed WrittenMaster’s ExamPSy 9100Professional Development: Post Master’s Preparation(0)Total Phase III Course Work and Practicum (11)Core units required 75Specialization Course requirementsMarriage and Family Therapy Specializatione following courses are requirements for the MFT specialization,amounting to 15 units of MFT course work, which when combinedwith the 75 core requirements, total to the required 90 degree unitsfor the MA in Counseling Psychology degree with a specializationin Marriage and Family erapy.is course must taken 4 consecutive quarters for a total of 8 units:PSy 5247 Clinical Case Seminar (2/2/2/2)Prerequisite: PSY 5249 or 5260Must take total of 3 units in Phase III of this course:PSy 5309 Seminar in MFT (1/1/1)Prerequisite: PSY 5251 or 5262Select from the following course sequences (4):PSy 5253-54 Field Practicum E-F - External (2/2)Prerequisite: PSY 5252ORPSy 5264-65 Field Practicum E-F - Internal (2/2)Prerequisite: PSY 5263Total MFT Specialization Course Work and Practicum (15)Professional Clinical Counseling Specializatione following courses are requirements for the MFT specialization,amounting to 15 units of PCC course work, which when combinedwith the 75 core requirements, total to the required 90 degree unitsfor the MA in Counseling Psychology degree with a specializationin Professional Clinical Counseling.PSy 5780 eories of Career Development (4.5)PSy 5405 Psychological TestingPSy 5406 PsychopharmacologyPSy 5407 Recent Advances in Pediatric & GeriatricPsychopharmacology (1.5)PSy 5646 Advanced Studies in Research (1.5)Prerequisite: PSY 5054Select from the following courses (2):PSy 5269 Additional Field Practicum - External (1.5) (notrequired if doing both PCC and MFT specializations)Prerequisite: PSY 5252PSy 5268 Additional Field Practicum - Internal (1.5) (notrequired if doing both PCC and MFT specializations)Prerequisite: PSY - External 5263Total Professional Clinical Counseling Specialization CourseWork and Practicum (15)Total units required FOR DEGREE WITH MFT AND PCCSPECIALIZATIONS (103.5)92 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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