11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Undergraduate Studies Course DescriptionsCollege ofUndergraduate StudiesHIS 2140 Human Civilization II 3is course examines the political, social, cultural and economichistory of human civilization from about the middle-ages to thepresent. e major focus in this course will be on social, economic,political, and intellectual developments during the period underconsideration.is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.HUm 1020 Introduction to World Cultures andCustoms 3is course explores cultural values and their expression, and thetheories and tools with which to compare and contrast them in adiversity of cultural contexts. e course will involve anintroduction to cultural anthropology with particular emphasis onoral history, cultural relativity, folk tradition, socialization,colonization, and the political struggles of indigenous and culturallymarginalized people. is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 1150 College Algebra 3Topics discussed in this course include functions and graphs;rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; systemsof equations. is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 1350 College Statistics 3is course is an introduction to descriptive and inferentialstatistical concepts and methods. Topics include: grouping of data;measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability concepts;sampling; statistical estimation; and statistical hypothesis testing.is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 2200 Pre-Calculus 3is course prepares student for calculus or other courses requiringdepth of algebraic background, including: inequalities; theory ofequations; sequences and series; matrices; functions and relations;logarithms; and exponential functions. is course is offeredprimarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 2300 College Calculus I 4is course covers: limits and derivatives; differentiation rules;applications of differentiation; curve sketching; optimizationproblems; antiderivatives; definite integral and indefinite integrals.Prerequisites: College Algebra and Pre-Calculus. is course isoffered primarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 2310 College Calculus II 4Topics in this course include: areas between curves; volume;volumes by cylindrical shells; techniques of integration; improperintegrals; arc length; area of a surface ofrevolution; applications to physics and engineering; modeling withdifferential equations; Euler's Method; separable equations;parametric equations and polar coordinates; and conic sections.Prerequisite: MTH2300. is course is offered primarily in SriLanka.mTH 2320 College Calculus III 4is course covers: infinite sequences and series; absoluteconvergence; power series; Taylor and Maclaurin Series; andvectors. e geometry of space is covered including: equations oflines, planes, cylindrical and quadric surfaces; vector functions;derivatives and integrals of vector functions; functions of severalvariables; partial derivatives; double integrals; iterated integrals;and some selected topics in vector calculus including Green’seorem. Prerequisite: MTH2310. is course is offered primarilyin Sri Lanka.mTH 2520 Discrete mathematics 3Topics in discrete mathematics including: elementary logic, settheory, and relations; induction, enumeration techniques,recurrence relations, trees and graphs; Boolean algebra; andalgorithm analysis. is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.mTH 2600 Differential Equations 3is course covers the following topics: first order differentialequations; the existence and uniqueness theorem; second orderlinear equations; higher order linear equations; e Laplacetransform; systems of first order linear equations; nonlineardifferential equations and stability. is course is offered primarilyin Sri Lanka.mTH 2870 Linear Algebra 3Students cover the elementary theory of vector spaces. Topicsinclude linear independence, bases, dimension, linear maps andmatrices, determinants, orthogonality, eigenvalues andeigenvectors. is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.PHL 2430 Critical Thinking 3Students develop the skills to express their thoughts and formjudgments clearly logically and effectively, using appropriate andadequate evidence for a variety of purposes and audiences.Students also learn to reflect on and challenge their own values andassumptions and form positions which demonstrate sensitivity andtolerance of various viewpoints and interpretations. is course isoffered primarily in Sri Lanka.PHy 1000 Physics I with Lab (for non-engineeringmajor) 5is course focuses on mechanics, covering the following topics:motion in one and two dimensions; Newton’s laws; statics; work,energy and power; momentum. Laboratory required.(Algebra-based). is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.PHy 1100 Physics II with Lab (for non-engineeringmajor) 5is course includes discussion of elastic properties of materials;gases; fluids; thermodynamics; electric forces, fields and potentials;direct currents; optics. Laboratory required. (Algebra-based). iscourse is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.PHy 1600 College Physics I with Lab 5is calculus-based course focuses on mechanics and covers thefollowing topics: one and two dimensional kinematics; Newton’slaws of motion and gravitation; work, energy, and power;equilibrium and momentum; properties of fluids; harmonic motion,waves and sound; and thermodynamics. e General Physics seriesis aimed at students in the engineering or natural sciencedisciplines. differential and integral calculus and simple vectoranalysis are used throughout this course. (Laboratory participationrequired.) Prerequisite: At least one college level class in Calculusor equivalent. is course is offered primarily in Sri Lanka.70 College of Undergraduate Studies JOHN F. KENNEdy UNIvERSITy

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