11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesITH 5047 Phenomenological InquiryITH 5054 Types: Enneagram (3)ITH 5057 Multiple IntelligencesITH 5059 States of ConsciousnessITH 5061 Integral SpiritualityITH 5210 Subtle Energy Systems (3)ITH 5211 Perspectives on the Body (3)ITH 5212 Ecological MedicineITH 5213 Cognitive Science (3)ITH 5214 Intersubjectivity (3)ITH 5215 Cultural Development (3)ITH 5216 Social SystemsITH 5217 Neuro-ReligionITH 5218 Ethics and CompassionITH 5219 Emergence (3)Select from the following courses (10 units)part-time format is ideal for working adults and students who havefull-time careers or families and allows more time for studentintegration of the course material. e online delivery also offersround-the-clock course access, providing students maximumscheduling flexibility.ere are two face-to-face meetings each year—one in the fall, andone in the spring. ese gatherings last from three to five days. Onetakes place in Denver, where the Integral Institute is located, andthe other in the San Francisco Bay Area, where JFK <strong>University</strong> islocated.Courses comprising the 24-unit certificate are divided into twocategories—core theory courses and core element courses. A coretheory course is offered each quarter, providing the theoreticalfoundations for the integral model. Core element courses (alsotaught each quarter) provide professional development by trainingstudents to successfully apply the integral model to personal andprofessional goals and purposes.Integral Applications CoursesITH 5300 Integral EcologyITH 5301 Integral BusinessITH 5302 Integral ArtITH 5303 Integral PoliticsITH 5304 Integral MedicineITH 5305 Integral ScienceIntegral Religion CoursesITH 5400 Integral BuddhismITH 5401 Integral ChristianityITH 5402 Integral KabbalahITH 5405 Unique SelfIntegral Inquiry CoursesITH 5450 Non-DualityITH 5451 vision-LogicITH 5452 ShadowITH 5453 Evolutionary eoryITH 5454 Love and ErosITH 5455 Integral MetatheoryTotal units required 68Program Learning OutcomesGraduates will be able to:• Communicate to/with the value schemas generated bytraditional, modern, and postmodern levels of thevalues/worldview line.• Take/write-from first-person, second-person, and third-personperspectives as differentiated phenomena available to allhumans.• Use/employ multiple methodologies as defined by the quadrantsand zones of Integral eory.• Apply the five elements of Integral eory: quadrants, levels,lines, states, and types.• Engage successfully in an ongoing Integral Life Practice asdefined by Integral eory.degree requirementsCurriculumAll courses are 3 quarter units.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesCertificate in integral Theorye Integral eory certificate program at JFK <strong>University</strong> exploresthe integration of body, mind, and spirit in the realms of self,culture, and cosmos. is 24-unit, online program emphasizes thevalue of utilizing multiple perspectives by offering students anin-depth understanding of the integral (AQAL) model associatedwith integral theory. e fundamental purpose of the integral modelis to ensure that one’s analysis considers all the pertinent aspects ofa problem or issue situated in its context.e Integral eory Certificate program provides students in-depthunderstanding of ways to integrate knowledge from differentdisciplines, areas, or domains. e integral model is ideal forrealizing more effective solutions to complex social andorganizational problems and enhancing personal development.e online Integral eory Certificate program is delivered using acohort system in which a strong sense of community emergesamong students. A cohort of 10 to 24 students begins every fall andprogresses through the program at the same rate. Students take onaverage 6-units each quarter for four quarters (one year). isCore TheoryITH 5005 Integral eory: e Five ElementsITH 5006 Integral eory: Integral Methodological PluralismITH 5009 Integral eory: ApplicationsITH 5043 Integral Life PracticeCore Elements—Professional DevelopmentITH 5039 Developmental PsychologyITH 5054 Types: EnneagramITH 5057 Multiple IntelligencesITH 5059 States of ConsciousnessTotal units required 24JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 105

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