11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionschange in the workplace and community; designing projects thatfoster systems shifts in service of all beings.iPP 5802 designing Change: Creating Shifts andnew Leadership Practices 5In this course students continue to apply a conscious full spectrumapproach to designing projects for sustainable, transformativechange. Topics include: integral and system theory models ofleadership; key principles and leadership practices that fosterunderstanding of patterns and root causes of workplace and societalproblems; exploring dynamics of power, team building and crosscultural understanding; communication for project success;marketing, advocacy and enrollment; partnering and synergy; toolsfor principled action.iTh 5039 developmental Psychology 3This course explores how the development of the self isconceptualized and perceived within a variety of perspectivesincluding Piaget, Kegan, object-relations theory, self-psychology,and others. Full spectrum development from pre-personal topersonal and transpersonal will be covered. These theories will beexpressed within an integral developmental model.iTh 5043 integral Life Practice 2This course focuses on applying the integral model to an individual’sown path of transformation. Using various modules, studentsconstruct a practice program for their own lives that meets them attheir growing edge.iPP 5804 Leading Change: actualizing Your Visionand Project 5In this course, students deepen their commitment to their visionand continue to work on their projects. Topics include: business forsocial responsibility; a new paradigm of person, planet and profitfor sustainable change; leadership for inspiring, empowering andenrolling others; tools for helping others to lead; allies and networks;assessing and measuring momentum of leadership practices andprojects; tracking change; completing student projects andimplementation; discussion of next steps and professional goals.iPP 5995 independent Study in integral Studies 13Independent study allows students to do in-depth research on aparticular topic. Students work independently with consent andsupervision by a faculty member.inTeGraL TheOrY [iTh] CoursesiTh 5005 integral Theory: The Five elements 3This course will be an introduction to the theoretical model thatprovides the foundation and structure for the program. It will bethe first course in the sequence of three integral theory courses.This course will provide a basic introduction to the central fiveelements of the theoretical model guiding the pro gram. It willprovide the foundation upon which more in-depth understandingof the model will be developed.iTh 5047 Phenomenological inquiry 2This course will use first-person techniques to explore somatic,emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s direct awareness.It will draw on various traditions—philosophical, psychological, andreligious—for encountering one’s interiority. Emphasis will beplaced on the experiential correlates to various developmentalstages.iTh 5054 Types: enneagram 3The Enneagram will be presented as a model for understandingdefense strategies against experiencing and expressing one’sessential self. The course will focus on developmental perspectivesand intersubjective dynamics.iTh 5057 Multiple intelligences 2This course will present the research for the various lines ofdevelopment and help students explore their own capacities(cognitive, interpersonal, moral, somatic) and how to develop thesedimensions of themselves.iTh 5059 States of Consciousness 2This course examines altered states of consciousness includinghypnosis, mediation, and dreams as well as creative, ecstatic, andmystical states. Students explore characteristics and scientificimplications of these states and research current thinking throughpersonal projects and study.College of Graduate andProfessional StudiesiTh 5006 integral Theory: integral MethodologicalPluralism 3This course provides an exploration of the advanced core conceptsof integral theory and their applications. The material builds ontopics covered in ITH 5005 and extends the discussion into thesophisticated underpinnings of the integral approach focusing onthe eight methodological families, post-metaphysics, andperspectives.iTh 5009 integral Theory: applications 3This course provides students with an opportunity to explore theintegral approach in action. Through exploring various applicationsof both the basic and advanced components of the integral model,students gain a working understanding of how to apply the modelto their own lives and professions.iTh 5061 integral Spirituality 2This course will look at the world’s great religions and examine theirunique role in premodern times as well as their increasinglyimportant yet surprising role in the modern and postmodern world.Based largely on Wilber’s recent book Integral Spirituality, studentswill explore in depth what these religions might offer today’s world.Key concepts to be covered include integral post-metaphysics,myths of the given, and the conveyor belt. Specific emphasis isplaced on first-, second-, and third-person method ologies forunderstanding this material and for synthesizing and applying it toone’s life practice.iTh 5101 integral research 3In this course, students learn basic principles of qualitative andquantitative research methodology and clarify their goals regard ingJOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 139

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