11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional StudiesCollege of Graduate andProfessional Studies• Professional Development. Demonstrates personal inquiry,research and professional preparation through coursework,mentorships and development of a cohesive and professionalportfolio of transformative art-based projects. Demonstrates acapacity to facilitate creative and transformative process withothers; and• Academic Achievement. Demonstrates critical thinking,research and scholarly investigation in relationship to creativeprocess and critical writing. Quality of submitted portfoliodemonstrates excellence and creative professionalism. Reviewpresentation demonstrates preparedness, self-reflection andadequate body of artwork.admission requirementsApplicants to the MA in Transformative Arts program must have abachelor’s degree from an institution whose accreditation isrecognized by the Council for Higher education Accreditation(CHEA). An undergraduate degree in art is not required foradmission. However, it is essential that students have some previousbackground in creative practices. is may include visual work,writing, music, movement etc.e application to Arts & Consciousness includes:• Personal/artist statement. A double-spaced, three-page, typedessay, edited for content, grammar and style that answers thefollowing questions:○ What is the role of creativity in today’s world?○ What are your professional goals in relation to TransformativeArts?○ How has your personal experience and education preparedyou for graduate study in Transformative Arts?• Portfolio of art work. Applicants must submit a portfolio oforiginal creative work (10-15 images) done within the last threeyears.○ A portfolio may be submitted as slides or CD/DvD;○ Portfolios may include non-visual media, e.g., poetry, danceand movement, or writing;○ Each work in the portfolio should be labeled with thefollowing information: applicants name, title of work,medium, size and year of completion. Please include a hardcopy of the information as well. Portfolios will not bereturned.• ree letters of recommendation.• Official transcripts from all universities and collegesattended.A pre-admission interview with a faculty advisor will be scheduledwhen all application materials are received.complete additional credits for the degree. Upon admission, allstudents must demonstrate writing competency as determined byprogram evaluation of writing ability. Some students may berequired to take courses in writing in addition to the 68 unitrequirement for the degree.CurriculumAll courses are 3 quarter units unless otherwise indicated.CNS 5010 Paradigms of ConsciousnessA&C 5100 Introduction to Transformative Artsis a repeatable course and must be taken multiple times to totalthe number of units indicated:A&C 5200 Transformative Arts Education (6 total)is is a repeatable course and must be taken multiple times to totalthe number of units indicated:A&C 5255 Transformative Arts Seminar (6 total)A&C 5260 Transformative Arts Teaching PracticumA&C 5310 Art and the Symbolic ProcessA&C 5312 Creativity and ConsciousnessA&C 5360 Beyond the Studio: Community Collaboration AA&C 5361 Beyond the Studio: Community Collaboration BA&C 5675 Artist Resources: Career PathwaysSelect from the following: (6)A&C 5010 Image and ProcessA&C5 300 Applied AlchemyA&C 5305 Art and Altered States of ConsciousnessA&C 5315 Dreams and the Arts (2)A&C 5342 History of Sacred ArtsA&C 5350 Artist in SocietyA&C 5530 Art, Archetypes and Creative ProcessMidpoint ReviewA&C 5555 MA Transformative Arts: Mid-Point Review (1)Studio ArtsA&C 5331 Media of Sacred Arts (6)A&C 5670 Studio Practice (6)Master’s ProjectA&C 5988 Transformative Arts: Final Project A (2)A&C 5989 Transformative Arts: Final Project B (2)General Electives: Can include up to (6) units of Individual, Groupor Community Mentorships (9)Total units required 68Master of Fine arts in Studio artsdegree requirementsAdmission to the MA in Transformative Arts program is based onthe nature, extent, and quality of undergraduate preparation,including courses in studio art, psychology, and other academicsubjects. Quality of studio preparation is best judged through aportfolio of creative or visual work and written material. Anystudent having earned an undergraduate degree that is not preparedentirely for a graduate-level program may be required to completeundergraduate courses. Prior to admission, the graduate faculty willdetermine an applicant’s deficiencies in studio art, psychology, andgeneral studies and inform the student of its findings. Anycoursework taken at the undergraduate level will not contribute tothe minimum number of credits required for the MA inTransformative Arts degree. e department Chair or Core facultymay determine in the first year or first 45 units if a student needsadditional preparation and, if so, the student may be required toNOTE: No new students are admitted to this program after Fall,2011. Students currently enrolled will be able to complete thisprogram. Current students should consult their program advisor orchair for details. Prospective students should contact theAdmissions Office.e Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Studio Arts expands theconnections among art, culture, and spirituality into a highlyintensive use of critique and advanced philosophical inquiry.Students learn to contextualize their spiritual and artistic searchwithin the framework of contemporary social-cultural dialectic.Emphasis is placed on technical and conceptual achievement as wellas the development of critical skills based on academic study andintensive studio critique.e Specialization in Performance Art offers students aperformance program that integrates body, mind and spirit with76 College of Graduate and Professional Studies JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy

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