11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Graduate and Professional Studies Course descriptionssuccessfully met the department's standards and offers suggestionsfor future investigations. Guidelines provided. Prerequisites:Successful completion of 34 units. Offered quarterly MATArequirement. Permission of dept. and signed contract prior toregistration.a&C 5604 Time-Based Laboratory 3A studio-based exploration of new genres center around the‘black-box’ studio. Students participate in class assignments andpresentations of individual artworks that explore time, space, lightand concept as formal elements. Special emphasis is placed ondevelopment of personal approaches to working in experimentalmedia. Offered Spring Performance Specialization RequirementMATA/MFA elective.a&C 5605 introduction to Performance art 3An introduction to the foundational modalities, practices andcontexts of solo and ensemble explorations in performance. Usingthe body and voice as the primary media of expression the classwill introduce students to the basic forms and traditions ofmovement, improvisation and poetics as a gateway into personaland social transformation. The class offers opportunities forcreative experimentation and self-discovery, exploring a range oftraditions in the performing arts. Offered in Fall PerformanceSpecialization Requirement MATA/MFA elective.a&C 5606 Physical Theater and Performance 3Development of physical theater skills and techniques associatedwith body-oriented artwork. This class includes a comprehensivegrounding in a dynamic and physical exploration ofperformance-based traditions, viewing the body itself as anexpressive medium and critical site of performative research.Through physical theater exercises and vocal training students willdevelop confidence in their essential performance skills. Studentswill investigate the content and concepts of identity, consciousnessand the social and political conditions of everyday life through thebuilding of solo and ensemble work. Performance SpecializationRequirement.a&C 5607 Visual design for Performance 3Lectures, demonstrations and visits to local theaters will enablestudents to gain realistic perspectives on the requirements formoving into theatrical productions and producing work innon-traditional art spaces. Investigation into issues of site, audienceparticipation, receptive community and social implications ofperformance are considered. Internships with existing performancegroups as well as independent productions undertaken by eachstudent will offer essential community links. The technical andmanagerial skills essential to theatrical production are developedby students. Performance Specialization Requirement.discipline as well as critical and formal analysis and discussion.Critical skills consistent with MFA level work are also stressed.Prerequisites: A&C 5606 Physical Theater and Performance. MFAstudents only. Performance Specialization Requirement.a&C 5609 advanced Visual design for Performance 3In-depth exploration of the tools and techniques needed to createan effective visual and environmental structure for the facilitationof performance works. Using a variety of venues and approachesstudents will be taught to see space, sound and movement asinter-related dimensions of time-based art work. Emphasis will beplaced on minimalistic and environmentally aware approaches toset design, prop costume and interactive approaches to new media.Emphasis on a dynamic and experimental approach to visual designfor performance will be encouraged in specific contexts throughwhich students will develop individual approaches appropriate totheir own needs and interests as performers. Prerequisites: A&C5607. Performance Specialization Requirement.a&C 5610 drawing from the Body 3Students explore the technical and psychological dimensions ofdrawing from direct observations of the human form. Drawing fromlive models, class assignments, and group critiques help studentsto develop their skills and awareness of the drawing process and itsrelationship to our own bodies. Studio Elective.a&C 5611 advanced Performance Composition 3Course is focused on a directing project in which students use theskills they have learned in technique and theory classes to compose,direct and produce sections of a full-length work for their finalgraduate exhibition.a&C 5612 ink, Brush, and Paper 2In this course, students examine the techniques and philosophiesassociated with east-Asian painting traditions. An introduction toAsian painting materials, techniques and imagery are importantparts of the course. Both calligraphy and landscape painting will beintroduced from the Asian perspective. Exercises in tai chi and QiGong emphasize the relationship between Asian paintingtechniques and cultural traditions of energetic flow of nature—“chi.”a&C 5615 Poetics Seminar 3Exploration of poem-making as an expression of voice, feeling, andtruth. Individual presentation of original poetry to the group inconjunction with experiential exercises aimed at connecting theprocess of poem-making to individual self-affirmation and wellness.The power of language as a transformative tool and individualdevelopment of poetry as an artistic means of self-expression areemphasized. Prerequisites: A&C 5403 Performance Composition.Performance Specialization Requirement. MFA students only.College of Graduate andProfessional Studiesa&C 5608 advanced Physical Theater 3This course reviews in greater depth the disciplines of performanceand improvisation and culminates with a formal collaborativepublic performance project with students. It emphasizesprofessional levels of physical training and conditioning needed toachieve performance values consistent with world-class artwork ofthis kind. The course requires extensive physical exercise anda&C 5632 advanced Painting Seminar 3This seminar is an intensive studio for students who havesubstantial experience in the field of painting either with oils oracrylics. Individual and group critiques as well as lectures anddemonstrations will be offered on alternating weeks, with openstudio sessions. Emphasis is placed on developing the philosophical,personal, and formal elements of painting.JOHN F. KENNEDy UNIvERSITy College of Graduate and Professional Studies 119

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