11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

11824_JFKU_Catalog Front Cover.indd - John F. Kennedy University

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College of Undergraduate StudiesCollege ofUndergraduate StudiesAll courses are 4 quarter units unless otherwise indicated.FOUNDATIONAL COURSESese courses are not required and are assigned as needed by theProgram Chair:COR 1000Prior Learning Experience and Portfoliodevelopment (3)BUS 2010 Microeconomics (3)BUS 2015 Macroeconomics (3)BUS 2500 Math for Managers (3)REQUIRED COURSESStudents receiving a grade of C- or below in any required coursemust repeat the course.BUS 3002 BSBA Student Orientation (0)CORE UNDERGRADUATE (6 units)COR 3100 Critical inking and WritingCOR 3146 Information Literacy (2)Courses marked with an asterisk (*)are waived for linkingstudents, replaced with graduate courses.GENERAL MANAGEMENT COURSES (16 units)BUS 3030 Business LawBUS 3151 Principles of ManagementBUS 3405* Ethics in SocietyBUS 3590 International BusinessBUSINESS QUANTITATIVE COURSES (12 units)BUS 3000 Financial AccountingBUS 3020 Business FinancePrerequisite: BUS 3000BUS 3041 Statistics and Research ApplicationsORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR COURSES (12 units)BUS 3032* Essentials of Human Resource ManagementBUS 3160 Organizational BehaviorPLS 3113 Social, Cultural, Political Issues in BusinessORGANIZATIONAL COLLABORATION COURSES (8 units)BUS 3033 Problem Solving and Managerial decision MakingBUS 3400 Business CommunicationE-BUSINESS COURSES (16 units)BUS 3414 Project ManagementBUS 4005 MarketingBUS 4040* Management Information SystemsBUS 4043 E-Business and CommerceCAPSTONE COURSE (6 units)BUS 4996 Business Capstone I (3)BUS 4997 Business Capstone II (3)Prerequisite : BUS 4996OPTIONAL SPECIALIZATION COURSESSpecialization units fulfill the units-to-180 requirement, or maybe in addition to the total unit for degree requirement, dependingon the number of lower and upper division transfer units.Choose one specialization (12 units).MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATIONBUS 4058 Managing ChangeBUS 3196 EntrepreneurshipBUS 4385 Cultures and Comparative Management StylesMARKETING SPECIALIZATIONBUS 4037 New ventures: Market PlanningBUS 4189 Integrated Marketing CommunicationBUS 4385 Culture and Comparative Management StylesLower division breadth requirements45 unitsdegree requirements 76Units to reach 180variesTotal units for degree180 unitsHEALTH SCIENCESBA in Health Sciencese mission of the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Health Sciencesprogram is to graduate highly competent professionals who are wellprepared to apply the contents of public health sciences with regardto ethical, cultural, historical and social contexts.e BA in Health Sciences incorporates multidisciplinaryapproaches to the study of health, illness, and disease in diversehuman populations. e BA in Health Sciences builds upon a setof core courses, which provide a foundation in critical thinking,writing, research methods and statistics. Grounded in thediscipline of Public Health, the program draws on theSocial-Ecological Model a framework to examine the multipleeffects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environmenton health outcome. Students apply this model in the study of thedeterminants of health to include, the social and environmentalinfluences on disease risk, development of health promotion anddisease prevention strategies for diverse populations, healthservices utilization, and the intersection between social justice andU.S. health policy.We value the whole person - mind, body and spirit - and explorethe meaning of illness and healing through an engaging and cuttingedge curriculum which includes lecture, discussion, debate,problem-solving and experiential learning. Students explore andexamine the relationships and interactions of the biological, social,behavioral, environmental and historical factors that influencehealth and health outcome in diverse cultural groups, and amongboth domestic and global populations.rough a two-quarter research-based practicum students exploreways to eliminate health inequalities. ey learn how to assessunmet community health needs and examine the determinants ofhealth vulnerability. Students deeply explore the proximal, medialand distal factors, which mediate health status and examine thefactors that create and perpetuate inequalities in health outcome.Health Sciences graduates are prepared with the essential skills,both theoretical and practical, needed in community public healthpractice. e program prepares graduates for jobs in communityhealth and for graduate study in public health; health education;health care administration; and business, just to name a few. Ourgraduates have developed essential ways of understanding, relating,creating and being that is so vital for professionals, and havebecome successful professionals in a variety of fields, includinghealth education, advances-practice nursing, public health practice,global health, teaching and mental health counseling.44 College of Undergraduate Studies JOHN F. KENNEdy UNIvERSITy

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